There was more than just passionate faith in OxyClean’s restorative powers propelling Billy Mays. The AP is reporting that an autopsy on the passed pitchman has determined cocaine use contributed to the man’s untimely death at age 50. Billy Mays‘ official cause of death is heart disease, but the cocaine is believe to have exacerbated […]
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Billy Mays Peddles Crap from the Grave
Though Billy Mays may have passed on, his unnecessarily aggressive voice and hard-sell pitch lives on. Check out the lastest product he was shilling- the Mighty Tape, a tape version of the Mighty Putty that he previously popularized. The crap he sold always looked so promising. It’s tape! But it’s super strong! You can fix […]

That Was Fast!
A major motion picture company has reportedly started developing a movie based on the life of the late Billy Mays titled after his famous tag line, Billy Mays Here. The rights are still being negotiated, but they’ve already started mapping out some casting choices to play America’s favorite Pitchman. Top of the list… Steve Carell! […]

Wear Blue For Billy!
Of course, it started on Twitter (where else?) but today people are wearing blue in honor of Billy Mays. It was retweeted by Billy Mays III, the son of the famous pitchman, saying “#wearblue4billy – Wear blue tomorrow [today] in memory of Billy- I didn’t come up with this but it made me smile and […]

RIP Billy Mays
Famed TV pitchman Billy Mays was found dead in his Tampa home this morning. Mays was found near his bed by his wife, and the cause of death is currently unknown. It’s being reported that Mays was on board a US Airways flight to Tampa yesterday which blew out it’s front tires, but none of […]