Brangelina: Still living in sin!Tabloids and Star magazine start retracting their comments about an intimate Brandelina Wedding!Remember our recent shock and disappointment regarding a possible Brad Pitt/Angelina Jolie wedding, just a few days back? Well, we’re happy to report that, fortunately, it was, in fact, a joke (sort of)! It seems the tabloids are getting […]
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Thankfully, there’s still some hope for The Gays…
Five weeks.
So, I finally got home. I decided to stop crying and actually research the Patrick Swayze cancer situation (maybe there was some mistake?). And, if I was crying before, now I’m a total wreck! It seems Patrick Swayze has had a tough couple of months, silently battling pancreatic cancer, now metastasized. During this past month […]
Finally! The Writer’s Strike is over
Writer’s are due back to start working on Wednesday.
Heidi Fleiss arrested!
according to Perez Hilton: “Hollywood’s former Madame to the Stars was busted in Nevada on Thursday afternoon.
Drunkst is keeping up with the Joneses
Well, at least she decided to go to rehab, as opposed to getting arbitrarily knocked up or carted away in an ambulance!
Just a smile, lick, or a hump away?
Not likely. reports: “..former Miss Nevada USA Katie Rees was arrested this morning in Las Vegas for allegedly assaulting a police officer. Rees was pulled over shortly before 3:00 AM for a traffic violation. According to Las Vegas police, when they attempted to arrest her, “she became physically aggressive towards the officer.”
Not only did he help in the pre-mortem eulogy antics! He has also promised to piss on her grave.
Quick! Someone put Sam Lufti in the looney bin!! Or even better, lock him up and throw away the key! Sam Lufti is one scary mo fo and he’s Nasty!
In Beverly Hills? Come have lunch with Britney!
Britney Spears has been released from the looney bin and is lunching right now 3:35 p.m. L.A. time at the Beverly Hills Hotel which is on Sunset Blvd. and Benedict Canyon. Come and see Britney, Y’all!
Britney’s home was robbed!
The LAPD was called to the Beverly Hills home of Miss Britney Jean Spears after her parents discovered some valuable possessions were missing. After Britney’s father, Jamie, won legal control over his daughter and her estate at an emergency hearing Friday, he and ex-wife Lynne returned to the house to find a bunch of sh*t gone! Damn Y’all! […]
The writer’s strike is totally close to over!
We are thrilled to let you know that the writer’s strike is almost finally over! At least that is what my gay just announced to me! So cool! Just in time!!! Paaaartay!!!