Oops! David Letterman‘s infidelity is about to be exposed in a juicy new Vanity Fair article. The autor of the article, Nell Scovell states that the skirt-chasing talk-show host treated her unfairly, i.e. different than if she were a man. AND she confirms that Dave was having multiple relations with female staffers. Nell says that […]
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Top Ten Reasons David Letterman is Sleeping On the Couch Tonight
David Letterman admitted on the Late Show last night that he had slept with more than one female staff member and was blackmailed on account of it. The admission came after having to testify before a grand jury the morning before in order to bring his blackmailer to justice. The blackmailer had sent Letterman a […]
Anna Does Letterman
Vogue dominatrix Anna Wintour sat down with David Letterman last night and showed a relatively relaxed side. The fashon powerhouse – who has been called everything from The Devil Who Wears Prada to British Shrek – was promoting her new documentary, ‘The September Issue.’ The Ice Queen laughed easily at David’s jokes and didn’t seem […]

Britney for President! Britney on Letterman Video
Britney Spears presented David Letterman’s Top 10 List last night on his show. The topic, “Top 10 Ways The Country Would be Different if Britney Spears Were President.” Brit Brit presented in a bikini on a stool, causing her to shift in her chair, which Dave mocked. Check out for yourself!

Letterman Issues Second Apology
David Letterman was forced to issue a second apology to Governor Sarah Palin last night after a week of people not getting off his back. Said the late night host; “I told a bad joke. I told a joke that was beyond flawed, and my intent is completely meaningless compared to the perception. It’s not […]

Upset Palin People Petition to Fire David Letterman
After David Letterman made some comments regarding one of the Palin girls being knocked up by Alex Rodriguez after visiting a Yankee game, (which turned out to be 14-year-old Willow Palin) and then later apologized when the Alaskan governor blasted him for his disgraceful statements, all is not forgiven in the land of late night. […]