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Halle Berry, Baby

Razzie Award winner Halle Berry hit Coldwater Canyon Park in Beverly Hills recently with tot in tow. Her daughter, Nahla, is the cutest baby in Hollywood, as she should be. If your parents are Gabriel Aubry and Halle Berry and you aren’t good looking, you’re just disappointing everyone. Nahla may or may not have been […]

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Fabolous’s New Mixtape Dropped Today

Shout out to the groupies, shout out to my ex / Probably sayin’ “Fuck me” so shout out to the sex / Don’t get mad at me ’cause I’m on to the next / All of this because I ain’t respond to ya text?! / Big up to you bum bitches in your ten dollar […]

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Ch-Ch-Ch-Cherry Bomb Cover!

W-W-W-Wanna hear Dakota Fanning cover “Cherry “Bomb”? Here you have it, then. I’ll also embed a live performance of the original so you can decide for yourself who sounds more like Cherie Currie.

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Classic American Idol AND Ford Moment

It seems like a million years ago, doesn’t it? Dunkleman. I mean, seriously. Dunkleman. In this year-one throwback, the O.G. Idol kids help contribute to the death of the American auto industry with an spontaneous, totally wacky car trip, sponsored by Ford! Listen to Kelly Clarkson say, “I have a map.” God, I love that […]

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Lilith Fair Would Suck Without Kelly Clarkson; It Probably Will With Her, Too

OK, no homo times a million for admitting it, but this year’s Lilith Fair line-up looks almost one-quarter non-horrible: Kelly Clarkson will soon take her pop anthems on the road as the latest artist to join the Lilith Fair. It was announced on Thursday (March 4) that Clarkson, The Bangles, The Go-Go’s, Dixie Chicks’ Emily […]

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Roseanne Rocks: Calls Out Mormon Church For Being Anti-Gay Cult of Imaginary Garbage

It’s nice to see someone calling attention to the role the god-awful Mormon church had in driving Marie Osmond‘s gay son to off himself. From Roseanne’s blog: because he had been told how wrong and how sick he was every day of his life by his church and the people in it. Calling that “depression” […]

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STARZLIFE PICS: Jessica Alba, Trust Us

We just spent about an hour in the office trying to make sure that this was Jessica Alba. The conclusion we came to: yes. (The fact that we’re posting it should have tipped you off.) Jessica, with her her curly bob, stopped to chat with a male friend outside of Porta Via restaurant in Beverly […]

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STARZLIFE PICS: Heil Katherine Heigl

Those pedicure-and-salad-dates with Grandma don’t pay for themselves, so Katherine Heigl attended a business meeting in Hollywood to discuss future film roles or Japanese commercials for soda or something. Starzlife was there. And since Katherine’s publicity team is so obviously reading this site, let me formally retract my comments from yesterday’s post in which I […]

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EXCLUSIVE!!! Arnold Schwarzenegger Gets to Da Shoppa

That headline kind of works as a pun on “get to da choppa” if you pretend that “shoppa” is another word for store, which I think it might be in England. Our noble Governator went shopping in Beverly Hills recently, because why the hell not. The state’s beyond repair. I’d be out shopping, too.

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STARZLIFE PICS: Britney Spears’s Boyfriend

Here’s Britney’s boy Jason Trawick looking dapper in Beverly Hills. The talent agent was in the tabloids for something other than dating Britney Spears recently: it was for hating Britney Spears’s music. When “Toxic” came on at a party, he reportedly said, “Oh my God, I hate this song!” Jeez, Jason, “Toxic” is pretty tolerable […]

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