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Heather Mills Wants Credit For Beatles Being on iTunes…. We Want to be President of the Moon…

Heather Mills is trying to take credit for The Beatles coming to iTunes. For the first time ever, music from The Beatles was available to purchase on iTunes starting a few weeks ago, after executives at EMI and the bands surviving members were able to come to an agreement that would put the band’s catalog […]

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Heather Mills Sued By Ex-Employee For Sexual Discrimination.

The shit continues to hit the fan for Heather Mills.  In the latest, a former nanny is suing Ms. Mills for sexual discrimination, among other things. Sarah Trimbull has been a nanny to Mills’ daughter Beatrice for a few years now, but after a recent resignation, Trimbulls is taking Mills to court for the way […]

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Publicist leaves Mills standing on ‘one leg’.

Hollywood power publicist Michele Elyzabeth took her dog out for a walk on Friday afternoon.  Elyzabeth has made headlines recently for dropping the  famous  gold digger ex wife of Paul McCartney, Heather Mills as a client.

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