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All Slutty Lesbians to Get a Pass to Hollywood if Howard Stern Replaces Simon Cowell

Oh God please let this happen. Page Six‘s scoop is that American Idol‘s producers want to replace the almost-outta here Simon Cowell with the other King of All Media. No, not Rupert Murdoch. Howard Stern. His contract with Sirius radio is up next year. The company has never been profitable, and is unlikely to again […]

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Ba Ba Bye-Bye for Howard Stern?

Have you heard Howard Stern lately? Me neither, because like about 300 million other people in this country, I refuse to pay for satellite radio. That’s a problem for a subscriber-based profit model, and particularly when your biggest star has a half-billion dollar contract. Did you know that Sirius has literally never turned a profit? […]

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Howard Stern is a Tricky Little Devil.

Shock Jock Howard Stern did some slick undercover election coverage on his show by sending his buddy Sal out in Harlem to ask some simple questions to registered voters. Howard  wanted to see if black people were voting for Obama because they agreed with his policies, or just because he was black.  Obviously nobody would […]

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