Jack Osbourne wants to be known for something other than being the son of Ozzy… well, kinda. Young Osbourne has his sights set on directing and what better way to start than directing the man who needs constant directing, Ozzy. Jack will direct the music video for the Ozzy song Life Won’t Wait. Ironically we […]
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Kelly Osbourne Smiles From Ear to Ear
Well someone looks to be not letting her ex get her down! We spotted a very happy Kelly Osbourne out and about this weekend with friends, including brother Jack Osbourne. We miss the good old days when The Osbournes was MTV’s only reality show. Wonder what it would be like now? Check out some more […]
Jack Osbourne Denied Restraining Order Against Vandal Ex
It sounds to me like Jack Osbourne is getting a raw deal here from the judge! After video evidence proved that his ex girlfriend Niki Coyd, was the one responsible for vandalizing his Aston Martin, the judge was still un willing to slap a restraining order on the psycho ex. Osbourne told the judge he […]

EXCLUSIVE!!! Jack Osbourne and Some Girl Who’s Likely Sleeping With Jack Osbourne
I’m not referring to the little boy in the main picture when I mention the girl he’s probably sleeping with! I mean the girl in the other pictures. We caught rock progeny Jack Osbourne at the Beverly Glen Deli, where he dined on a cheeseburger before hopping in his car with his lady and speeding […]

Jack Osbourne to Any Random Girl: “F*ck Off”
Jack Osbourne, the hungry little boy with fake-Satan for a father, dished on how he handles attention from female fans to Britain’s Star magazine: “If someone comes up to me and wants to be nice, I’m like, ‘F**k off! I don’t know you.” Damn, Jack, haven’t you seen Swingers 50 times? Get the number and […]

They’re creepy and they’re spooky, they’re all together junkie, the Osbourne fa-mi-ly!!
Amy Winehouse: Moving in with the Osbournes!! Ozzy, I’m ho~ome!! New reality TV show in the makes, perhaps?? Freakhouse moving into the FREAKHOUSE?! Amy Winehouse is rumored to be moving in with the Osbournes, now that her stint at rehab is supposed to be over. . .Humm. . .I dunno. Something tells me this will […]