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Jenny McCarthy’s First Sexual Experience Was With a Bear…

Which ever of the McCarthy’s neighbors picked up this item at the family’s garage sale all those years ago probably either has a very puzzled face right now, or has dollar signs for eyes. Both gross to think about! Jenny McCarthy has recently revealed that her first sexual partner was a teddy bear called ‘tubby.’ […]

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Jenny McCarthy Headed to Day Time Talk?

Could Jenny McCarthy be heading for daytime television? Perhaps if the rumored deal with Oprah’s Harpo Productions goes through! A Harpo voice confirmed that they were trying to give Jenny her own daytime talk show and that they are “exploring the possibilities of many platforms.” To us, it sounds like Oprah for the youthful, more […]

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Jenny and Jim’s Twit Split

Sad news in the celebs breakup world, as Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carey have called it quits. Announcing the amicable split via her Twitter feed, McCarthy writes; “I’m so grateful for the years Jim and I had together. I will stay committed to Jane and will always keep Jim as a leading man in my […]

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Shocker: Jenny McCarthy Isn’t as Brilliant a Medical Researcher as Previously Thought

I can’t believe this – a report by Dr. Andrew Wakefield published twelve years ago linking the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine to autism has been formally retracted by the medical journal that originally ran it. And here I thought this widely discredited theory propounded solely by crackpots and people who don’t know what science is was as […]

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Malibu McCarthy

Jenny McCarthy spent some QT with her son Even at Malibu beach over the weekend. Homegirl did wear blue jeans to the beach though! The ultimate beach faux pa! Jenny recently got the good news that she’s becoming a hypothetical grandma to Jim Carey’s eldest daughter, Jane, who is pregnant. Jenny and Jim won’t take […]

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