Justin Timberlake a player with Olivia Munn? How humiliating for Jessica Biel if this is true. Us Weekly is pretty accurate when reporting the news, but a source tells People who are also very accurate “There is no truth to the reports. Olivia Munn is not that type of girl.” which is pretty direct and […]
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Justin Timberlake’s monster came out.
Timberlake is one of the few Disney stars that didn’t go bat sh*t crazy growing up in Hollywood unlike his former love Britney Spears. We loved him in N’Sync, Justin was so cute and full of life and as he grew into a man his solo singing career took off in a monstrous way. Timberlake’s […]

EXCLUSIVE!! Jessica Beil’s Burger Bar Bash
It’s uncertain what’s going on with her and JT these days, but it is certain that Jessica Biel is an eater! We spotted Jessica EXCLUSIVELY as she stopped by a West Hollywood burger bar to grab some dinner with a friend. Girl what is up with those lips!!

Who Broke Out Their Paparazzi Disguise?
Bet you guys can’t guess who broke out their “cousin it” costume a few weeks early this year in order to hide their face from us. I’ll give you a hint. Chances are if she heard a little rumor that’s been going around regarding her man and another pop star’s recent NYC rendezvous she’d not […]

Jessica Biel Will Give You a Virus!
Anti-virus software company McAfee has put out a list of the most dangerous celebs to search for on the internet. According to their list, searching for Jessica Biel will lead you to a website intended to harm your computer, in 1 in 5 cases. Last year that dubious honor went to Brad Pitt. Rounding out […]

Jessica Biel Wows On Stage; Critics Give Two Thumps Up
Justin Timberlake‘s significant other Jessica Biel made her stage debut this weekend – at the Hollywood Bowl. And how did the sexpot – who once claimed that being “too pretty” was costing her jobs – fare? Two thumbs up, according to critics. The review: “Jessica Biel, glowing with an untrammeled radiance…” and her on-stage sexual […]

Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel Appear Together on SNL.
Justin Timberlake has been showing up on alot of SNL lateley, and he made his latest appearance again this weekend alongside friend Andy Samberg and girlfriend Jessica Biel. Samberg was playing comic book character Cathy , who had came in last in a ‘sexiest cartoon’ contest that was won by Jessica Rabit (Biel) Timberlake played […]

Did They?
I just got a message on my cell asking me if I knew anything about a secret Justin Timberlake/Jessica Biel wedding that took place about an hour ago in LA. I don’t know anything about it… do you? Considering the Negative Nancies they are when wedding talk comes up, I find it highly unlikely that […]

Justin Calls a Wedding ‘Dumb.’
Someone asked Justin Timberlake if there were any wedding bells in his and Jessica Biel’s future this morning at an event in NYC and his response was kind of , go figure… Rude! Timberlake laughed it of and replied with; “Now that’s a dumb question,” which could go either way depending how u look at […]