The lean mean fighting machine, Jodie Foster, has been cleared of any in all charges in relation to the May 2010 beat down of a teenage paparazzi. After the photog’s father filed a police report that Foster “pushed and shoved” his juvenile son as he tried to snap photos of her and her kids leaving […]
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Happy Birthday to you, Jodie Foster and Larry King, you old farts! Today Jodie turns 46 while Larry King turns just 75 years young. I usually pick on Jodie a lot but today it’s her birthday and I hope she has a gay old time! Larry, keep those suspenders tight my friend. Happy Birthday ya’ll. […]

Gee, I Wonder Who’s Behind That Bag!
Jodie Foster thought she could get away with hiding her ugly mug while out doing some shopping this past week, but she was mistakin’. She shielded her face as soon as she spotted photographers headed her way, but she had no idea that they had already been capturing her beauty for a while prior to […]

Barack Parties With His Hollywood Friends; McCain Hangs With the Nobodies.
Barack Obama partied with some of his celebs friends in Hollywood last night at a fund raiser hosted by Dreamworks’ Steven Speilberg and Jeffrey Katzenberg. The event, which featured a hefty $28,500 a person ticket price at Los Angeles’ Beverly Wilshire Hotel, followed by a later event featuring Streisand at $2,500 a ticket, was to […]

When the Goin’ Gets Tough…
Signing up to do voice overs is usually a sign of not being able to find acting work in film or television, but I’m actually on the fence over the gig Jodie Foster just picked up. Find out and weigh in after this.

Whoa baby! What the heck is Jodie Foster wearing? Jodie was out getting groceries in West Hollywood this afternoon when we spotted her wearing that hot mess of a dress and Jesus sandals. Check out the StarzLife Exclusive! photos after the bump, uhh, I mean…after the jump.

Who’s On The Leash Now?
Jodie Foster could potentially have cost herself $25 million dollars for cheating on partner of 14 years, Cydney Bernard. Foster separated with Bernard in May, after the long 14 year relationship, to start up a new one with writer Cynthia Mort.

Check out Jodie Foster! She looks like she’s built for Olympic swimming! Send her to China. Jodie was out walkin’ her bitch (dog, not girlfriend) in West Hollywood on Wednesday. Check out the StarzLife Exclusive!! pics after this.

Exclusive!!!! Someone moving out after Jodie Foster Split!
Jodie Foster is a free woman! She and her girlfriend of 14 years, Cydney Bernard, have recently split and Starzlife can EXCLUSIVELY confirm that one of them is movin’ on out this morning, Tuesday May 20.