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Jordin Sparks Recovering After Emergency Appendix Surgery

Slated to perform in Australia Sunday, Jordin Sparks winner was hospitalized with acute appendicitis on Wednesday night, and is currently recovering from emergency surgery to remove her appendix. The former American Idol Tweeted from the recovery room; “Feeling a little better but very sore. Thank you so much for your thoughts & prayers. It means […]

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Happy Birthday Jordin Sparks.

The lovely and talented Jordin Sparks turns 19 today, and though I didn’t appreciate her getting snippy with Russell Brand at the VMA’s this year when he was dissin’ the JoMos, It was either celebrating her 19th, or Ali Lohan’s 39th today. I think you know how easy of a decision that was. Happy birthday […]

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Tell me how I’m supposed to sing with no voice!

American Idol season 6 winner Jordin Sparks is dealing with a vocal injury that could be career ending.

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