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“Help! I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!”

Calling all crafty designers… D’ya remember this little gizmo?

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Joan Collins has a big ol’ mushroom growing out of her head…

But hey, she’s still looking mighty hot – for an old lady, of course.“Who, me?” Yes, you!

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Are these kids adorable or what?

House-hunting, pet-searching, park-playing!  Could Ben Affleck + clan be more perfect?  Either they’re in on the secret that 90% of America is yet to discover , or they’re practicing for a new, perfect-family movie role!  Busy, busy, busy!! Looking cuter than the Huxtables of Ivory Lane, our beloved Affleck clan has been quite the busy […]

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Is she not the coolest?

My oh my what a wonderful day… I absolutely love this chick!!  She is so disengaged from everything Hollywood that she actually looks normal.  I love it that she can enjoy a stroll down the street, just listening to her music, looking like she’s right where and how she wants to be…  paparazzi and all!!  […]

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Russell Crowe, family man. Baby Be-lu-gaaa!!

Not only is he acting the daddy part, he’s looking it too!!  Is that a gut that I spy, with my little eye?Okay, okay, on the count of three: one, two, three: “AWW!!!” Aren’t these four just precious?Our favorite gladiator dad spent yesterday afternoon at a Beverly Hills park with his wife, Danielle Spencer, and […]

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In Beverly Hills? Come have lunch with Britney!

Britney Spears has been released from the looney bin and is lunching right now 3:35 p.m. L.A. time at the Beverly Hills Hotel which is on Sunset Blvd. and Benedict Canyon. Come and see Britney, Y’all!

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Katie the lunching lady!

I caught up with one of Hollywood’s most sought after personalities at Joans on Third having a Gay’ ol’ time with her girlfriend. Sadly, her allowed time to interact with humans expired and she had to return to Tommy’s dungeon in the Hollywood Hills. 

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