Kim Kardashian’s music career is really here. This weekend during her New Years hosting duties in Las Vegas, Kim debuted her new song, Turn it Up. She told the crowd: “I didn’t mean to, but I did this song.” Don’t you just hate when you accidentally do a song? While we are probably one of […]
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Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries: A Good Game Plan
Kim Kardashian’s new rumored relationship with New Jersey Nets Forward Kris Humphries has “good” written all over it. Though she always seems to be the center of a relationship rumor, here’s why we think this one would work out. Humphries is making 3.2 milllion dollars per year as a member of the New Jersey Nets, […]

NYT Disses DASH’s New NYC Store
New York City is a long way both physically and style-wise from Calabasas and might have been too far a leap for the Kardashian’s store DASH to take. NYC is where the big boys play fashion, people with decades or cred, experience and vision. That shiny shit that passes for fashion in Miami 9 times […]

Kim Kardashian Dating Kris Humphries: Isn’t Kris Her Mom’s Name?
Kim Kardashian has broken up with Gabriel Aubry, her model boyfriend and we were hoping this meant whinny spinster Kim was going to be back! The two had been together for about three hours, but before then Kim was on a rampage talking and talking about how she couldn’t believe she was the single one […]

Women Dominate Highest Paid Reality Star List
There are very few professions where woman make more than men, prositution, pornography and now it seems reality TV. The Daily Beats compiled a list of the highest earning reality TV stars and it looks like woman, a lot with the name Kardashian, are dominating. The list is high on dollars and low on actual […]

Makeup-Less Kim Kardashian Hits the Gym
Before her pedicure today, Kim Kardashian hit up the gym in Los Angeles. Kim is looking very fit these days, and fresh faced with no makeup which actually is one of her best looks! Kim, and her cell phone are “participating” in “digital death” in honor of World Aids Day.

Walking Dead: Kim Kardashian Cheats on Charity
So much for digital death day! In Kim Kardashian’s new video to promote World Aids Day, she boasts how she is obsessed with twitter, but more obsessed with aids awareness, passes her cell phone off to her sisters vowing no more “digital life” until $1 million dollars is raised! Well we spotted Kim Kardashian out […]

Bing’s Most Searched 2010: Kim Kardashian
In 2010, users who do their web searches on Bing searched for “Kim Kardashian” more than anybody else! In fact, Kim was such a hot topic in 2010, she came in 20% ahead of the number two search, Sandra Bullock. Wonder how many of those searches ended in “naked” or “sex tape?” What was your […]

Kardashians Cancel Credit Card Endorsement
The Kardashians were all about endorsing this new pre-paid credit card that was supposed to help keep kids off drugs and spending their money on other nonsense. But in an effort to not look like ‘krooks’ they have decided to yank their endorsement. In a letter of termination sent to the companies behind the card […]

Kim Kardashian & Other Stars “Dying” For Aids Awareness
We know, it’s hard to even look at!!! In honor of World Aids Day on December 1st, a group of celebs are going to disappear from your every day social media sites, to show what life would be like without them. They are going to stay away until one million dollars is raised! The ad […]