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Kim Kardashian Criticized for Cat Cradle

Kim Kardashian is catching a lot of flack from animal activists for the way she held up this cat in one of her latest tweet photos. During a photo shoot she tweeted; “Pic from my shoot yesterday…good kitty cat!” PeTA spoke out issuing the following statement; “Kim Kardashian is not the only person who has […]

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Kim Kardashian “Sorry” For Doing Playboy

In the latest edition of Harper’s Bazaar magazine,  the one where Kim Kardashian posed nude in an artsy position that didn’t reveal the goods, she tells them that she wished she never would have posed nude for Playboy back in 2007. The Playboy pictorial, which was a little more revealing, apparently made Kim uncomfortable, and […]

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Kardashian Sisters to Pen Book

You probably feel like you’ve seen every aspect of the Kardashian’s life between their hit reality show, and being fixtures in the daily press. But according to Kim, you havent! Her, along with sisters Kourtney and Khloe are on to the next endeavor for making money, writing a book! The book will be a look […]

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Kim Kardashain (Nude) For Harper’s Bazaar!

Happy freakin Friday! What better way to celebrate than this new nude Kim Kardashian photo from Harper’s Bazaar. The shoot reportedly is un-photoshopped, and from a series showing off different women’s body types. You can check out the rest in the latest issue of Harper’s Bazaar.

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Kim’s Movin’ Out

Life and Style Magazine is reporting that Kim Kardashian has packed up her bags and moved out of the 5 bedroom mansion that she once shared with boyfriend Reggie Bush. A source tells the mag that Kim “tearfully packed her bags” and will be moving in to  my Hollywood one bedroom apartment her other 5 […]

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Kim Kardashian Slams Law Enforcement for Texting and Driving

Kim Kardashian busted this police officer texting and driving this morning by taking a twitpic and posting it to her timeline with the following caption; – “A cop texting & driving in the car next to us! This disturbs me! What do u guys think?” First of all we think this guy is not a […]

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Demi Moore Blasts Kim Kardashian For “Big Pimpin”

Demi Moore got all bent out of shape last night when Kim Kardashian tweeted a pic of her and some friends with the caption;  “Big pimpin w @SerenaJWilliams @LaLaVazquez @Kelly_Rowland Love u girls!” Moore, or Mrs. Kutcher as she is known on Twitter  was disgusted that these girls would be having any sort of fun […]

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Kim Kardashian Hasn’t Switched ‘Footballers’ Yet

Now that news of Kim Kardashian and Reggie Bush’s split, along with Reggie’s cheating have came about, of course it was only a matter of time until Kim was linked to someone else. This morning, some British press linked Miss Kardashian to Manchester City and England footballer, Wayne Bridge. The source claimed that the pair […]

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reggie bush january mistress

Reggies Other Girl? Is She The Reason Him and Kim Broke Up?

Star Magazine published these photos of Reggie Bush and his alleged mistress leaving Reggie’s LA home on March 17th just hours apart. Remember it was reported yesterday that Reg and a friend, along with 2 girls went out together on March 16th, with one of the women returning to Reggie’s home for a sleep over. […]

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Did Reggie Cheat on Kim?

We sure hope he’s not that stupid!! There’s been numerous reports going around the past day or two regarding Kim Kardashian and Reggie Bush splitting up. Some are saying they haven’t broken up, but are taking some evaluation time because Reggie hates her work schedule.  Others are claiming that they were spending time in Miami […]

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