Lindsay Lohan has reportedly turned down a $700,000 dollar offer to pose nude in the 55th anniversary edition of Playboy Magazine. She was apparently looking into it, but decided against it if she had to go topless. A spokesperson for Lohan told Page Six; “If there’s nudity, then the answer’s no… She’s not going down […]
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First Trailer for Lindsay’s New Movie.
The first tralier has been released for Lindsay Lohan’s upcoming movie, Labor Pains. In the movie Lohan plays a slacker secretary who fakes a pregnancy to avoid getting fired. Check it out for yourselves below. Labor Pains is set to be released in 2009.

Sam & Lindsay Make Me Want to Vom Via Myspace.
I swear these two are trying to make their Myspace pages the hottest sites on the internet. Somehow…It’s working. Sam Ronson is off to Australia for a DJ gig and posted a little goodbye message to her fans (people who go to her page to read about Lindsay.) You’ll never guess who the first reply […]

Lindsay Gets Political On Her Blog.
She’s getting to be quite the little blogger these days. Lindsay Lohan has finally written something that doesn’t have to do with her father, but to do with Republican VP nominee Sarah Palin and her daughter’s teenage pregnancy. read on to see what LL has to say.

Lindsay Skips Grandfathers Funeral.
Lindsay Lohan skipped the funeral service for her late grandfather Lohan this weekend, to pal around new york city with Samantha Ronson on a shopping spree.

*UPDATE* Lindsay Calls Father Liar….Again.
The never ending saga is going to slow down drastically, as Michael Lohan has reported that his father passed away on Thursday.

Michael Lohan Back in Front with New Attack!
It was only a matter of time, before Michael Lohan checked his myspace and saw the things his daughter wrote about him, but he has officially now ended any chance of a relationship between himself and his daughter with his latest release.
Lindsay Lohan took to her Myspace blog to let it all out against her father last night, but I think she kinda contradicted herself in the process. Take a look.

Lindsay Responds!
Earlier I told you how Michael Lohan hates Samantha Ronson, and compared her to a parasite just leaching off of Lindsay’s fame but only bringing her down in the process. Well now Lindsay has released a statement of her own firing back at her dear old dad.

Michael Lohan Hates Samantha Ronson.
First it was reported that Lindsay’s daddy’s view of her relationship with Samantha Ronson was of the “whatever makes my daughter happy” type, but now he’s speaking out to say that’s not the case!