Lindsay Lohan is F’n with everyone once again. Linds gave the crowd at one of Sam’s DJ set’s last night a little hint that they should not try to get with the DJ after the show. (Not that they would anyways)
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Pssst…New Yorkers!
Lindsay Lohan will be in the Big Apple next week to film her scenes for the upcoming season of Ugly Betty.
Seal of approval.
Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson’s hoe-mance has gotten the seal of approval from Sam’s brother, Mark Ronson.
Lindsay’s hard labor.
Whether your like it or not, Lindsay Lohan has actually been hard at work these days!
Paris’ pitch.
Apparently BFF isn’t enough TV time for Paris Hilton. Paris, who is definitely no stranger to the spotlight, wants to do a reality special on being in the spotlight.
Lindsay gives Seacrest a “wink, wink.”
Lindsay Lohan celebrated her post birthday hangover by calling into On Air with Ryan Seacrest this morning.
A look inside their closet.
The newest issue of Star Magazine is taking us inside the romance of Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson, and apparently Lindsay is hiding in Samantha’s closet now.
Why so mad?
Lindsay Lohan was looking very annoyed while out shopping with girlfriend Samantha Ronson this past weekend.