With the 2012 Olympics already announced to be set in London, the 2016 Olympic Games’ location is the next event up for grabs. Competing with Rio de Janeiro, Madrid, and Tokyo, the Windy City of Chicago is also a possibility. First Lady Michelle Obama is doing everything she can to make sure the Olympics go […]
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Breaking News: Should Michelle Obama Wear Shorts?
You know it’s a slow news day when the media is whipping itself up into a frenzy over Michelle Obama‘s bare legs. Images of the First Lady in a pair of shorts have divided many in the fashion world; some see it as disrespectful, overtly sexual, informal style choice and others, like myself, are saying, […]

A Change I Can’t Believe In – Michelle Obama’s New Haircut
Hey! Now that we know what kind of dog the First Family finally got, here’s another distraction from the fact soldiers are still in Iraq or that the economy is crap or that gay Americans are still denied basic rights! The First Lady got her hairz cut! Click here to see Michelle Obama‘s short new […]

What is Alec Baldwin Thinking?
Alec Baldwin is pushing for Michelle Obama to appear on his hit television show, 30 rock. Baldwin is hoping that the first lady will join other celebs cameos such as Oprah Winfrey, Jennifer Aniston and Jerry Seinfield, all of which who have made a guest appearance on the show. He’s even got a potential story […]

Michelle Obama Dying to Meet Will and Jada Smith.
Michelle Obama has had the chance to meet many celebs since her husband was elected President of the United States, but there’s still one Hollywood power couple who she’s yet to meet, and is dying for the chance. Will Smith, and Jada Pinkett Smith. The first lady recently told People Magazine; “He strikes me as […]