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Sandler and wife to have second child.

Adam Sandler is going to be a Big Daddy again.

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Lindsay Lohan plans to fake a pregnancy for more attention

For a movie role that is…  Find out about the next role for the actress after the cut

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Is he or isn’t he??

Denzel Washington was laughing and having a good time when our cameras spotted him leaving lunch in Beverly Hills on Tuesday…

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Oh, Ashton, you bring shame upon my soul!

OMG! I just can’t believe they actually used it on Pop Fiction!!I can’t believe they actually used it on the show!! Talk about LOW BUDGET! I especially loved it when Audrina Patridge laughed at how paparazzi would “think” they would make money from her fake tattoo!Um, Audrina, I hate to break it to you, but […]

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OMG, ASHTON!! Are you all right, you adorable little maniac, you?!

Ashton Kutcher gets a little taste of his own medicine!! (use your imagination if you will and picture Ashton Kutcher diving over the front passenger corner of a Mercedes G Wagon. . .Kinda like those old folks looked when they almost got run down by the prankster last Saturday before the Kid’s choice awards. . […]

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Thankfully, there’s still some hope for The Gays…

Brangelina: Still living in sin!Tabloids and Star magazine start retracting their comments about an intimate Brandelina Wedding!Remember our recent shock and disappointment regarding a possible Brad Pitt/Angelina Jolie wedding, just a few days back?  Well, we’re happy to report that, fortunately, it was, in fact, a joke (sort of)!  It seems the tabloids are getting […]

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Demi Moore: Celebs Justice

Just in case you forgot. . .On March 4th, Demi Moore and her daughters left Donna Karan’s party in Los Angeles and were in such a huge hurry Demi smashed into a parked Escalade! The police were called and Demi Moore was then pulled over by six cop cars on the suspicion of a hit […]

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“Pop Fiction sucks!”

Ashton Kutcher: Depressed by the downfall of his new show, drives like a maniac and almost kills an elderly tourist couple!! Not as much fun anymore, is it, Asthon? So not only is Ashton Kutcher’s Pop Fiction a total rip off, it also sucks ass, big time; and in a very predictable kinda way.  Everyone […]

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What about the Gays?

So according to The Star Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie got married this afternoon in New Orleans.  Well, that’s great and all, but what about the gays??!  “In the past, the pair have said they would not get married until same sex couples were granted the right to wed in America.” I dunno know about this. […]

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Oh Ashton!

Total Pop Fiction!  I knew she couldn’t act that well!  Ashton, great idea. . .but kinda dull already! Try a little harder, next time!  Audrina Patridge’s tattoo reads “”fried rice made with pork oil.” Good one. 

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