StarzLife has already reserved it’s seat on the Adam Lambert bandwagon, but tonight more than ever it’s important we spread some voting love for Kris Allen as well. I’ve seen this same post on a dozen different sites this morning, some epic like this one, but whether you are a fan of Adam Lambert or […]
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Cowell’s Pick is in.
He called it last year for David Cook, now Simon Cowell’s pick is in for the 2009 American Idol winner. As you may have guessed, Cowell told Oprah Winfrey on Monday’s show that he thinks Adam Lambert will win the singing competition. Simon tells the big O; “[Adam] is fearless, unique and he’s got swagger.” […]

ATTN: Adam Lambert Fans.
How far are you willing to take your fandom? If you click here, you can bid against a bunch of other creeps for the chance to win a necklace that comes with a lock of Adam Lambert’s hair. Right now, it’s going to cost ya $70.99

Glambert Lands Cover of EW!
American Idol producers are likely rooting through Dany Gokey and Kris Allens room as we speak removing all sharp objects in hopes that they will not do any harm to themselves. There’s still 2 more weeks of Idol competition but Adam Lambert has already landed himself on the cover of Entertainment Weekly. The magazine even […]

Did Idol Rock on Rock Night?
In a word, Yes. On the final four performance episode of American Idol last night, two of the contestants brought their A game, and the others were just there. Thankfully, Idol producers were using their thinking caps in pairing off Adam and Alison for the shows first ever series of duets. As we probably don’t […]

Idol Fans Unite.
With just four contestants left on American Idol, it would appear that it’s still anybodies game. (Besides the fact Adam Lambert has the deal sealed pretty much) An Idol fan site, has selected Danny ‘Karaoke’ Gokey as it’s pick for the competition this week with the reasoning of; Danny Gokey is the least talented […]

Should Adam Lambert Fans be Worried?
The unthinkable happend on American Idol last night, Adam Lambert landed in the bottom three! I’m sure you all were as shocked as Danny Jokey and Alison were when they were told they were the top 2, but it raises the question… Is AI just f*ckin with us? After weeks and weeks of non stop […]

Business As Usual for Adam Lambert Last Night.
What needs to be said about Adam Lambert? This boy is a rockstar and he shows it all off every week on American Idol. Adam killed a version of Born to be Wild in songs from movies week, and should easily be sailing on to the finals. Also coming up on the SL radar each […]

Did You Get DVR’d During American Idol Last Night?
Many AI fans missed their sole purpose for tuning into the show last night as the DVR’s cut off before leader of the pack Adam Lambert even performed. When you think about it though, was American Idol possibly aware that the show would run over, causing them to give Lamber the fan dubbed “pimp spot?” […]

Bill O’Riley Sort of Outs Idol Front Runner?
Call him captain obvious, but Bill O’Riley may have insinuated on his talk show last evening that American Idol 8 contestant Adam Lambert was gay. O’Riley showed some photos that were leaked on the internet before the competition heated up with feautred the Hollywood resident making out with dudes, and wearing a bunch of make-up. […]