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Brotherly Love.

Joel and Benji Madden ditched their bitches this weekend to spend some man time together in Hollywood. The twin brothers who snagged up BFF’s Nicole Richie and Paris Hilton have always managed to do things together, and this weekend was no exception.  Benji and his brother even took a page out of girlfriend Paris Hilton’s […]

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Paris Hilton just let a little ‘oops’ out.  In a recent interview with The Sydney Telegraph, Paris was gushing about her relationship with Benji Madden, accidentally letting it slip that the pair began dating before he broke up with his ex, Sophie Monk. Paris said; “Ever since Harlow was born I was over playing with […]

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What the Hell is John McCain thinking?

Sweet Baby Jesus!  What the “h e double hockey sticks” is John McCain thinking choosing Alaskan governor Sarah Palin as his running mate?  WTF?  The announcement was made at a rally of 15,000!  That’s 6000 more then Palin is used to governing!!!  Ohhh now I get it!  He almost got me!!!!!!  That John McCain is […]

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“I am here first to support Barack Obama!” I just can’t help it! I am so in love with Bill Clinton! I missed the live speech, I was too busy catching up on Perez, but I was so inspired and energized by Bill Clinton’s speech tonight at the Democratic Convention in Denver. I am gonna […]

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Paris Loves Britney.

Paris Hilton had a launch party for her new line of hair extensions this past weekend, and while you’d think she would keep herself as the center of attention, she had a few nice things to say about an old friend; Britney Spears.

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Paris and Benji on the importance of art.

Starzlife caught up with Paris Hilton and Benji Madden at the P.S. Arts charity event this past weekend and asked them the importance of art classes in public schools.  Check out the video after the cut.

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Benji is ready for a child now!!!

Not really but that’s what Joel said the headlines would read tomorrow, so I’m gonna do him one better and get it out today.

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Somethings missing.

It’s Paris Hilton!  Benji Madden isn’t usually snapped without his girl by his side, but yesterday was a different story.

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Paris busted for D.U.I.!!!

Dressing Under the Influence that is.  Paris Hilton was spotted having lunch in Hollywood this week with boyfriend Benji Madden, and Benji sure seems to have influenced the new Ms. Hilton.

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Hottest couple at the MTV movie awards?

Last year at the MTV movie awards, it was Heidi and Spencer who hogged up all the camera time and were MTV’s “darling couple” of the night.  Last night it was Paris Hilton and Benji Madden, making them arguably the hottest couple out there.

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