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Wanted: a sexy little thing called “Shakira”!

One very, very rich lucky fan will fulfill his lifelong dream of meeting Shakira! Remember those ever popular 90’s high school “slave auctions” that have since been banned because of feminist/racial extremist protests (party poopers!)?  Well, the a-w-e-s-o-m-e Shakira auctioned herself off this week, and for a very, very good cause! In order to benefit […]

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Shakira Rocks!

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Did Shakira get a nose job?

I don’t know about you guys, but I grew up listening to Shakira. I’m from Puerto Rico, and when Shakira’s first “cassette” came out, I was in fourth grade. She had long, black hair, and I remember asking my mom if I could dye my own blonde locks. Oh, the irony!  My friends and I […]

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