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Lindsay Lohan is Endorsing Mitt Romney … For Now

Lindsay Lohan is changing her tune for this year’s upcoming Presidential election. Back in 2008 she was amazed by the election of Barack Obama, and was one of his proud supporters.  But like many who voted for the POTUS in 2008, she’s a little unimpressed with the job, and is ready for change. Speaking to […]

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Dem Rep. Bobby Rush Escorted Off House Floor For Wearing Hoodie

It was a statement in honor of slain Florida teen Trayvon Martin that had Bobby Rush, a congressman from Illinois escorted off the house floor on Wednesday morning. After giving his opening statements, Rush removed his suit jacket, pulled up his hood, and put on a pair of sunglasses. He then said, “Racial profiling has […]

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Eva Longoria Joining President Obama’s Re-Election Campaign

Eva Longoria along with ‘Harold & Kumar star’ Kal Penn have been selected to serve as national co-chairs on President Barack Obama’sre-election campaign. With the 2012 election looming, President Obama has has named 35 ambassadors to help rally voters as he strives to win another White House term. Barack’s administration announced the complete list of […]

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Triumph The Insult Comic Dog Occupys Wall Street

Conan O’Brien sent one of his best reporters, Triumph the Insult Comic Dog out to the Occupy Wall Street rally in NYC to answer the real questions. You have got to watch this video.  It’s hilarious! Triumph is not afraid to say everything that every other media outlet wants to!

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President Obama Announces Troops Will Be Home For The Holidays

President Obama is keeping one of his promises. ( If that’s how you want to see it. Super great news either way!) The President has announced that he will be pulling all troops from Iraq and they will be home for the holidays. The President said in a statement: “After nearly nine years, America’s war […]

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Sarah Palin Will Not Run For President

Sarah Palin will not be running for President in 2012. In a letter to her supporters written on Wednesday night, Palin writes: October 5, 2011 Wasilla, Alaska After much prayer and serious consideration, I have decided that I will not be seeking the 2012 GOP nomination for President of the United States. As always, my […]

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Sarah Palin Taking A Time Out For Fried Butter

Sarah Palin has set a September deadline to announce whether or not she would run for President, but for the next month, her “One Nation” bus tour will be hitting the road to test some of America’s sweet treats. The tour will make it’s first stop today at the Iowa State Fair, and Palin has […]

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Rod Blagojevich Guilty On 17-20 Counts

The verdict is in on Governor Rod Blagojevich. An Illinois jury has convicted him on 17 of 20 counts. The jury acquitted Blagojevich on one count of bribery and was unable to reach verdicts on two counts of attempted extortion. Ten of the counts against him are wire fraud. The other 10 involve extortion and […]

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Weiner Pulls Out Of Congress

Rep. Anthony Weiner was forced tomresign from his Jon today. During his news conference he explained: “I had hoped to be able to continue the work that the citizens of my district had elected me to do – to fight for the middle class and those struggling to make it,” Mr Weiner told reporters in […]

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Lupe Fiasco Calls President Obama “The Biggest Terrorist In The United States”

Lupe Fiasco is making some pretty strong claims about President Barack Obama. Quite the opposite of what you would expect from most musicians, who have shown mega support for the President. Especially someone from Obama’s home town of Chicago. He tells web series ‘What’s Trending With Shira Laza,’ “To me the biggest terrorist is Obama […]

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