The former Governator is coming back to da movies! Arnold Schwarzenegger recently revealed that he might be lending his skills to a few new projects and is currently in the script reading process. “I’m reading three scripts. One topic/script, which I considered a long time ago before governor, is delighting me particularly. I would play […]
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Arnold Schwarzenegger & Fam Love a Holiday Sale
Now that daddy is going to be out of a job, it’s time for the Schwarzeneggers to start seeking the best deals in town! Soon-to-be former Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, his wife, Maria, and daughter Christina hit up a post Thanksgiving day sale at Barneys New York this past weekend. Enjoying a few more days as […]
Prop 8 has been labeled unconstitutional and invalidated by U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker. That means equality for all! Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger released the following statement: “Judge Walker had the great responsibility of deciding whether Proposition 8 violates the Constitution of the United States. He heard in-depth arguments from both sides on fundamental questions of […]

Arnold Schwarzenegger: Beverly Hills Hummer
Not to be out-done by his buddy Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger one upped Sly following their lunch in Beverly Hills this weekend, by bringing his army green Hummer, complete with corresponding jacket. You can coo over Stallone’s hip new sports car all you guys want, but these guys are bad ass action stars, and Arnold’s […]

It’s Tax Day! Who’s in Trouble With Uncle Sam?
It’s tax day 2010. Have you filed and paid? Well there are a lot of celebs who have not! Who owes the Gov’t big time? How about California’s Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger? Arnold had a lein filed against him last year in the sum of $79,000! From un-paid taxes dating back to 2004. Hopefully he’s paid […]

‘The Expendables’ Trailer Released
If you are in the mood to see a movie this summer that features every classic action movie star ever pretty much, then you won’t want to miss The Expendables. The film stars Sylvester Stallone, Jet Li, Dolph Lungdren, Jason Statham, Terry Crewes, Mickey Rourke, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Bruce Willis. In fact, A scene in […]

EXCLUSIVE!!! Arnold Schwarzenegger Gets to Da Shoppa
That headline kind of works as a pun on “get to da choppa” if you pretend that “shoppa” is another word for store, which I think it might be in England. Our noble Governator went shopping in Beverly Hills recently, because why the hell not. The state’s beyond repair. I’d be out shopping, too.

STARZLIFE PICS: The Governator Stays Cool As California Slips Further Toward Economic Apocalypse
“I know now why you cry. But it is something I can never do. I’m too rich,” said Arnold Schwarzenegger to all the poor Californians. Come on, Arnie, just because you’re the Governor of Caleeforneya doesn’t mean you have to have to dress like a cowboy from the waist down. When Ronald Reagan did that, […]

Governor Schwarzenegger Dodges Uncle Sam
Must have just slipped his mind while he was busy Governing the entire state of California, but apparently Arnold Schwarzenegger owes the tax man the sum of $79,064! Lots of celebs tend to get in trouble with the IRS when they don’t keep track of their incoming funds (usually because theres so much) but you’d […]

‘Schopping With the Schwarzeneggers’
The Schwarzeneggers opted to do a little pre christmas shopping this past weekend as they took a family trip to Barneys of New York in Beverly Hills. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, with wife Maria Shriver and son Patrick posed without posing as they left the store. Like father like son is the saying, but in this […]