Good/bad news for all you political hounds out there. Arnold Schwarzenegger has announced that he won’t be seeking any more political roles after his term as Governor of California ends at the end of 2010. Arnold hinted that he might have his eyes on a bigger prize when he challenged America’s rules on the nationality […]
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“I Saw Rambo Lunching With The Terminator”
2 Hollywood legends walk into a bar… Take that and do whatever you want with it, but that was the scene when Sylvester Stallone met up with Arnold Schwarzenegger for lunch this past weekend. No doubt that they talked about muscles at some point during that conversation. Check out a few more photos of Sly […]

Arnold’s Jet Makes Emergency Landing!
A jet carrying California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger was forced to make an emergency landing yesterday afternoon after the cock pit filled up with smoke. Just 10 minutes after the plane left Santa Monica it was forced to make an emergency landing at Van Nuys airport, nobody was hurt during the incident. A spokesperson for Arnold […]

Arnold Ready to Debate Marijuana Issue.
It’s not really a recreational decision, but California Govroner Arnold Schwarzenegger is ready to open up the legalization of marijuana in California for discussion. In 1996, California legalized the use of the substance for medical purposes, but now that the state finds itself in such a large debt, they are discussing the fact that legalizing […]

Governator Pays Visit to Native Land.
California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is making a brief personal visit to southern Austria this morning to meet with friends at a local hotel as well as visit his mothers grave. Arnold made the flight via private jet from Switzerland where he was attending the Geneva Motor Show. He did not take any questions from the […]

Arnold Schwarzenegger Out to Lunch in Beverly Hills.
Just a week after announcing plans to raise the tax on alcohol 5 cents per drink in California, Governator Arnold Schwarzenegger showed his face at a restaurant in Beverly Hills. If I were to be the villain behind making people pay more for one of the only things that’s constant in their lives, I wouldn’t […]

‘Terminator’ Gets Preserved.
Arnold Schwarzenegger’s 1984 classic ‘The Terminator‘ has been selected to be put into the US film registry for preservation. According to Librarian of Congress James H. Billington said “The registry helps this nation understand the diversity of America’s film heritage and, just as importantly, the need for its preservation. The nation has lost about half […]

Governator’s Day Out.
Arnold Schwarzenegger took his son out for a little Christmas shopping in Beverly Hills this past weekend. The kid is definitely not striving towards his dads muscles.