Tina Fey says she enjoys playing Sarah Palin on Saturday Night Live, but if John McCain wins, and Sarah Palin is the VP, you won’t be seeing any more of Fey as Palin. She tells TV Guide; “We’re gonna take it week by week. If she wins, I’m done. I can’t do that for four […]
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Are you registered to vote?
No matter what, it is so important that you make your voice heard this election! There are so many important issues and propositions that deserve your attention! It isn’t too late to register! In order to be eligible to vote on November 4th, 2008 your registration must be postmarked no later than October 20th. It […]
John Stossel says Maybe you shouldn’t vote!
I am kinda on the fence about this one. . .The way I look at it is, if you are going to vote the way I think you should well then, get the hell out there to the polls and let your voice be heard. But that’s just the type of control freak I am. […]
George Lopez Takes Many Political Shots.
If it wasn’t clear who George Lopez is voting for this November by his red carpet fashion faux pa’s, he made himself clear this weekend at a cancer benefit in Los Angeles.Lopez naturally made the first crack at John McCain by saying; “Everyone makes a big deal about Barack Obama being the first black presidential […]
SNL At it Again, This Time On Thursday.
Saturday Night Live is thriving off of this years election. The show has seen a huge rise in viewership ever since the new season kicked off right in crunch time of the 2008 Presidential election. It’s mostly been Tina Fey‘s version of Sarah Palin that the people are interested in, but Fred Armesian’s Barack Obama […]
Paris to Palin: “Welcome to the Lower 48, Girlfriend.”
Paris Hilton has managed to keep her name relevant during this entire Presidential election. Ever since John McCain name dropped her in one of his Barack Obama smear ads, she’s all but put her name on the actual ballot. Two videos for funnyordie.com, and now an Presidential interview in Harpers Bazaar magazine where she answers […]
America is Facing the Worst Depression Since ‘The Notebook.’
Paris Hilton just released her newest campaign video for this years presidency. The funny thing is Paris always seems to somehow slip in a potential solution to the issues between all the “BFF’s” and the “Loves it’s.” In this video, posted up at FunnyOrDie.com Paris seeks advice from one of the greatest fake presidents of […]
Palin’s Friendly Jab at Tina Fey, SNL Next?
Moments ago live at a campaign stop in Florida, Sarah Palin brought the house down while making a joke about Tina Fey in her closing statements. I was only paying half attention at that very moment, and the crowd noise was super loud, but she said something along the lines of “I’ve already created one […]
SNL VP Debate: The Best One Yet.
Saturday Night Live’s portrayal or the Vice Presidential debate between Joe Biden and Sarah Palin was their best election sketch to date. Tina Fey was spot on as usual, and Jason Sudeikis‘ version of Joe Biden’s secret crush on John McCain wasn’t too bad either. Queen Latifah was even pretty good as moderator Gwen Ifill […]
Drill Baby Drill! Palin Porno Gets Their Star.
Looks like they’ve got their girl. Remember this post with the craigslist ad looking for a Palin look-alike for an upcoming adult film? Well turns out Hustler is producing it, and Larry Flynt has decided to go with adult star Lisa Ann to be his hockey mama. The film will be called “Nalin’ Paylin” and […]