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Never Before Seen Engagement Photo Of Prince William and Kate Middleton Covers Vanity Fair

A never before seen engagement photo of the Duke and Dutchess of Cambridge covers the new issue of Vanity Fair. After Will & Kate married at Westminster Abbey in April, they are now ready to come forward on their North American journey. All the details of their upcoming July trip are included in the new […]

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Sarah Palin Furious That Bristol Is Dating Kyle Massey

Bristol Palin’s mama, Sarah Palin, is reportedly furious that her daughter is rumored to be dating her Dancing With The Stars cast mate Kyle Massey. Palin, who is 20 years old met the 19 year old Massey when they danced against each other on  DWTS last season, and according to the National Enquirer, they began […]

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Sarah Palin’s Eldest Son Marries High School Sweetheart

What, no Royal Wedding? Sarah Palin’s eldest son, Track, married his high school sweetheart Britta Hanson recently in a small ceremony in Hatcher Pass, Alaska. The Palin’s and Hanson’s released a joint statement to People Magazine, saying “These are two hard working, humble, active, studious young adults who grew up together. We’re tickled that after […]

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Maria Shriver: “This Is a Painful And Heartbreaking Time”

Maria Shriver has released a statement regarding the news that her husband, Arnold Schwarzenegger fathered a child with a house staffer more than ten years ago. The news shocked the world this morning after the couple announced a split just last week. “This is a painful and heartbreaking time. As a mother, my concern is […]

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The New Yorker Erases Osama Bin Laden

There have been some great covers since the death of Osama Bin Laden, and this new cover of The New Yorker is up there with the best. The cover shows Bin Laden’s face being erased, as we as a nation can start to do now. Awesome!

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Sarah Palin: “Show The Photos”

As if you probably wouldn’t have guessed so, Sarah Palin doesn’t agree with President Obama’s decision to not release the photos of Osama Bin Laden’s body. However, this is probably the one and only time that a lot of Obama supporters would agree with Palin, because Americans want to see something! Palin wrote to her […]

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President Obama Not Releasing Bin Laden Photos

President Obama has reportedly made the decision to NOT release any photos of Osama Bin Laden. Though it took him three days to come to the decision that he could have came up with that night, Obama has decided that not only are they too gruesome, but that he doesn’t want The US to show […]

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White House To Release Photo Of Osama Bin Laden

The White House has decided to release a photo of Osama Bin Laden’s corpse, according to multiple reports. A senior US official has revealed to CNN: “There are 3 sets of photos that were taken from the day OBL was killed: 1) Photos of OBL’s body taken at a hangar moments after the raid. 2) […]

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America: Winning! According To Charlie Sheen

Charlie Sheen is just one celeb who took to his Twitter page to tweet about the great news that Osama Bin Laden had been killed. Writes the self proclaimed warlock; “Dead or Alive. WE PREFER DEAD! Well done SEAL team! AMERICA: #WINNING that’s how we roll…. c.” Katy Perry had this to say: “America! F**k […]

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Seth Meyers Makes Osama Joke At Correspondents Dinner, Obama Keeps Cool

We now know that President Obama green lit the mission to raid the mansion where Osama Bin Laden was staying on Friday, so how did he keep it cool during the White House Correspondents Dinner when host Seth Meyers made an Osama joke? Check out Obama’s poker face below.

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