Everyone has got election fever, even The Simpsons. In this little spoof of the fixed voting claims from previous elections, an electronic voting machine gets the best of Homer. Check it out.
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Huge Audience for VP Debate.
Viewership for last nights Vice Presidential debate between Sarah Palin and Joe Biden soared way higher than that of the Presidential debate between Barack Obama and John McCain last week. Why? Because America’s got a new superstar and her name is Sarah. Whether it was tuning in to see her stumble over answers to the […]
Tonight’s Entertainment!
Tonight is the one-and-only VP debate between Sarah Palin and Joe Biden. Even though anytime Sarah Palin opens her mouth America listens, Palinbingo.com has came up with a game that you can play with your friends at your debate party. You just go to the site and print out some of their pre-created cards or […]
$50,000 “Fallout” Bill.
Everyone’s talking about the Senate passing the 700-billion-dollar bailout bill that is currently sitting on the house floor waiting for a vote. But November is right around the corner and celebs are trying to help out with the other issues. Ellen recently put California’s Prop 8 into citizen terms on her official website, urging you […]
Scaring You Into Voting.
Declare Yourself has this new ad running featuring Jessica Alba in a Hannibal Lectar mask urging people to not be “silenced” by not voting, and to declare yourself already! Alba looks really sad in the ad. Like a puppy that you lock in a cage before you go to work. If I wasnt already registered […]
The Palin Porno?
You wish! You’ll just have to settle for the Vice Presidential debate in St. Louis tomorrow night where Sarah Palin will take on Senator Joe Biden. But if you do happen to live in or near California’s San Fernando Valley, and have heard you resemble Governor Palin, an ad on Craigslist might be the perfect […]
Catfight on The View.. Who Would Have Thought?
Things got a bit heated on The View this morning between Elizabeth Hasselbeck and the rest of the cast. They were having their usual debate of Sarah Palin’s experience against Barack Obama’s experience, which shouldn’t even be a debate because Palin isn’t running for Prez, but that’s just the way it goes. Anyhow, ELizabeth was […]
Only A Few Days Left to Register.
The deadline to register to vote could be as little as 3 days away, and a bunch of Hollywood Dems have released a new PSA urging you to vote. It’s actually pretty funny, at least when Jonah Hill is talking. Okay only when Jonah Hill is talking. But it’s worth it to watch just for […]
Palin Equals Ratings Gold.
Sarah Palin is this months Michael Phelps. Since her selection by John McCain as his running mate, she has no doubt overtaken Barack Obama as “the biggest celebrity” in this election. Her acceptance speech at the RNC generated 32 million viewers, and her only other two interviews with Katie Couric and Charles GIbson have been […]
Paris Gets Pissed On The View.
Paris Hilton was on The View this morning trying to pimp out her new BFF show when things got a little cold on set. The hosts aired her clip from FunnyOrDie‘ where she spoofs a presidential ad and View co-host Joy Behar joked to the heiress; “Too bad you can’t vote… because you were in […]