In case you all got caught up in the Palin Hype… Let me remind you Paris Hilton is still running for president this year. Paris just released a new shirt supporting her bid for the White House at where else? Kitson! Nothing like a little shameless self promotion right? Paris told inTouch; “I bought a […]
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Chace Crawford Thinks Sarah Palin is a MILF.
He’s been hookin’ up with an older married woman in season 2 of Gossip Girl, so perhaps Chace Crawford has cougars on the brain! Crawford recently told reporters at the Stand Up For a Cure Concert Series at Madison Square Garden in NYC what he thought about potential VP nominee Sarah Palin. “I’m not gonna […]
Russell Brand chews up “W” and spits him out for dinner!
Sorry, Charley! I have to admit even “I” thought the Brit went a little over board with his “W” Roast. I guess when you are on live television, anything goes! No matter who you wanna win, you just have to VOTE! Hopefully that speech stirred y’all up a bit! Vote! Vote! Vote! Then after “BEST […]
Diddy Removes Foot From Mouth to Apologize.
You all saw old ‘Baracks’ for brains Diddy ranting about Gov. Sarah Palin being picked as a potential VP last week, and now in Diddy’s new blog he apologizes for being an ass!
Oprah Afraid of Sarah Palin.
Oprah will NOT be inviting potential Vice President Sarah Palin onto her show until after the election, contrary to other reports and speculation.
YouTube Clip Of the Day
It might actually be the YouTube clip of the year! It’s been getting well over 100,000 views on various accounts in less than 24 hours, not to mention the 37 million homes tuned into the speech last night. What a special moment during Sarah Palin’s Vice Presidential nomination speech last night when her youngest daughter, […]
An Unbalanced View of Both Sides.
OK! Magazine has designated it’s first ever double cover issue to features on both sides of this years Presidential election. On one side, a cover featuring Barack Obama, and on the other, a cover featuring Republican VP candidate Sarah Palin. Whether or not OK! was fair to both sides is another story…
Lindsay Gets Political On Her Blog.
She’s getting to be quite the little blogger these days. Lindsay Lohan has finally written something that doesn’t have to do with her father, but to do with Republican VP nominee Sarah Palin and her daughter’s teenage pregnancy. read on to see what LL has to say.
Six Degrees of Sarah Palin: Juno Edition
Ok I really don’t know how all that degrees stuff works, but Juno is a movie about a pregnant teenager, who ends up being pro life, and having the baby way before she’s fit to be a mother. What’s that got to do with John McCain‘s pick of Sarah Palin as VP of the United […]
Gossip Girl is Back Tonight!
If you know anything at all about television, you’d know that tonight is a HUGE return night for some of your favorite shows. Gossip Girl is back for another season of spoiled rich kid drama, and many others are making a return or premiere.