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Sandra Bullock to Receive MTV Award

Not sure why they have announced this information re: one of the 2010 Movie Awards, but here it is: Sandra Bullock will be receiving the 2010 Generation Award. It was rumored earlier this week that she’d be making her first appearance at the event, but for an Oscar Winner with a new baby boy at […]

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Sandra Speaks

She’s been extremely quiet over the whole situation with Jesse James and his string of mistresses, but now something has got Sandra Bullock talkin’. A report claiming that a sex tape between her and James exists has her releasing the following statement; “There is no sex tape.  There never has been one and there never […]

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Sandra Bullock’s ‘Blind Side’ Tops DVD Sales List

It’s probably the absolute least thing on Sandra Bullock’s mind, but I’d bet her pockets don’t mind! The winner of Best Actress at this years Oscars’ film, The Blind Side, is at the top of the DVD sales charts! Selling over three million copies in the past month has landed the film at the top […]

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Jesse James Following the Tiger Plan, Checks into Sex Rehab

Just because it may have saved Tiger’s marriage, it doesn’t mean sex rehab will save the marriage of Jesse James and Sandra Bullock. James, who is the latest (semi) celeb with a rising mistress count has checked himself into a rehabilitation facility in Tuscon, Arizona according to his rep. “Jesse checked himself into a treatment […]

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EXCLUSIVE!!! Sandra’s Waiting Game

A cheating husband is just another thing on the list of Sandra Bullock’s worries these days. She’s moved out of the family home and is staying in her old Hollywood Hills residence, where she’s been hidden from cameras and the public with the aide of bodyguards and a tarp.  But what’s keeping Sandra shut in? […]

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Sharon Osbourne Backing Bullock Too

Yesterday we showed you how Monique was offering up support for Sandra Bullock, but she’s not the only one on Team Sandra! Sharon Osbourne is keeping it in Osbourne fashion by offering up the short and sweet advice; “He needs his d**k cut off.” Speaking of parts getting cut off, Sharon has also recently revealed […]

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Bombshell McGee Reveals Her Agenda…

The more we learn about Michelle Bombshell McGee, the more we feel bad for Sandra Bullock, and even Jesse James! The latest twist in this story is that she’s not done yet!  She set out to get Jesse James and when it ended, which was reportedly because he wouldn’t help her with the funding to […]

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EXCLUSIVE!!! Michelle McGee Not the Only Woman?

Jesse James may be a dead man when this is all said and done!!! First it was the shocking tell all from Michelle “Bombshell” McGee that she had an affair with the married James, and then his public apology to wife Sandra Bullock, but is it going to keep piling up for the reality TV […]

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Jesse James and This Hoe Met on Myspace: ‘A Place For Friends’

The details of this Jesse James story just keep getting more and more entertaining! Now that Michelle “Bombshell” “Nazi” McGee has collected her $30,000 for her tell all, and Jesse James has had to face the music with a public apology to Sandra Bullock, it’s time for the rest of the leeches to come forward […]

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Jesse James Releases a Statement

Jesse James has released a statement to People magazine over the allegations that he has cheated on wife, Sandra Bullock, and that she’s moved out of the house. He doesn’t really clarify what he’s done, but he obviously did something! “The vast majority of the allegations reported are untrue and unfounded. Beyond that, I will not dignify […]

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