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Sean Stewart Arrested

Sean Stewart, the son of Rod, was arrested last night in Los Angeles. Thankfully, it wasn’t any sort of substance abuse that got the former addict locked up! Sean was pulled over for a traffic violation and found to be driving under a suspended license with an outstanding warrant. He was promptly released from jail […]

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Sean Stewart Takes a Stroll

Sean Stewart spent the nice holiday weekend in Los Angeles out and about doing some shopping. Hopefully for some new shorts because those things are hideous! Check out some more photos of Sean below.

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Look Whos Getting a Reality Show and Clothing Line!

In the latest episode of “look who else is getting a reality television show,” we have Sean Stewart, son of rock n roller, Rod Stewart. The former rehabbed Stewart was just given  the green light on a show that chronicles his move from Los Angeles to New York to start up a clothing line. Ahh- […]

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Rod’s boy gets it together.

Son of Hollywood, Sean Stewart, who is famous for being the son of Rod Stewart and starring in a reality show that I think had me as their one and only viewer, was EXCLUSIVELY spotted by Starzlife.com on April 2nd leaving an Alcoholic Anonymous meeting in West Hollywood. Stewart was channeling his inner Joey Gladstone […]

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