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Chad Ochocinco and Terrell Owens Have some Advice For Kim Kardashian

The Cincinati Bengals dynamic duo of Chad Ochocinco and Terrell Owens are a real riot! They have not only teamed up on the same offense this year, but have joined forces for a new show on Versus network called the TOcho Show. In the latest edition, the host asked them to prescribe some advice to […]

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T.O.’s Open Letter to Cincinnati

The once cocky and still confidant  Terrell Owens seems to have turned over a new leaf. The current Vh1 reality star wrote an open letter to the fans of his new team, the Cincinnati Bengals, promising them that he would not be the distraction he once was. Here’s what T.O. had to say: Dear Bengals […]

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T.O. Uses Chiseled Body to Promote New Show, No Objections Here

So apparently there is a sport called, foot ball? Contrary to what you may believe it does not involve kicking a ball with the feet, but carrying said ball around. Your guess is as good as mine.  One of these so-called football players, Terrell Owens has a new reality show on Vh1 called the T.O. Show […]

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