Almost twenty years ago, ABC picked up a pilot based around the stand-up of comedian Tim Allen called ‘Home Improvement.’ Fast forward to 2011, Allen will be debuting another comedy series on ABC called ‘Man Up.’ The show will center around a man “fighting for his manhood in a world of women.” Apparently all the […]
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Tim Allen Commit’s to Toy Story 4, if There’s a Toy Story 4
Though they haven’t really put a plan in place for a fourth movie yet, Disney/Pixar has locked down Tim Allen to reprise his role as Buzz Lightyear should they choose to do a Toy Story 4. With the half a billion dollars that Toy Story 3 has brought in worldwide, it’d almost be silly not […]

STARZLIFE PICS: Tim Allen is Wearing a Cardigan Because He’s Old Now
Boy, you’ve really got to have a head full of grey hair or be in a band signed to Saddle Creek records to rock a cardigan. Tim Allen is 56 years old and played timpani on the last Bright Eyes record, so he’s really owning it right here. The erstwhile coke dealer walked down the […]

Does Everybody Know What Time it is?
Tool Time! Starzlife is proud to present, Tim “the tool man” Taylor! We spotted funny man Tim Allen grabbing a Starbucks in The Valley yesterday afternoon. All we need is some JTT and this photo would be complete! Check out a few more below

Tim Allen Welcomes Daughter.
Isn’t it ironic that a man famous for a show about being the manliest of men, hosting a tool show, raising boys, fixing cars, and grunting cant ever end up with a son of his own? Tim Allen and his wife, Jane, welcomed their first child together this Saturday in Los Angeles. Her name is […]

Speaking of Fat Allens.
Tim Allen is going to be a daddy again! Tim and his wife Jane made a recent announcement that they are expecting their first child together. Tim has a daughter already froma previous marriage. Allen recently also offered his condolences to the Travolta family after learning the news that their son, Jett had passed away. […]