It’s not just one bad opening for Tom Cruise, but Knight and Day was his lowest opening weekend of the past twenty years! Not two, not five but twenty! It’s not his first flop, but generally a Tom Cruise film has done well at least in it’s opening weekend based off of his name value […]
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Ben Stiller Talks ‘Les Grossman’
More news on the Les Grossman flick! Ben Stiller has revealed that he’s working on it with Tom Cruise, and he had this to say about the film which is currently being written: “Les Grossman’s life story is an inspiring tale of the classic human struggle to achieve greatness against all odds. He has assured […]

Quote of the F*ckin Day
“We’re working on it, yup, we’re working on it.” -Tom Cruise when asked if there was any plans for his hilarious character of Les Grossman to be featured in a film of his own. Epic!

Tom Cruise and JLO Highlight MTV Movie Awards
Easily the 2010 MTV Movie Awards greatest moment last night. Tom Cruise as Les Grossman dancing with Jennifer Loppez! If they don’t make a movie about this guy they are CRAZY! Watch the 2010 MTV Movie Awards at!

Another Les Grossman Promo!
MTV is really making good on Les Grossman! First they put the Tom Cruise inspired character in a promo for the MTV Movie Awards with Robert Pattinson, and now, With Tom Cruise! Check out ‘Risky Business Revisited’ 2010 Tom Cruise with the 1982 Tom Cruise hair cut makes us feel like someone took a dump […]

More Tom Cruise Scientology Nonsense
Tom Cruise‘s former Scientology “auditor” Mark Rathbun is going public with bombshell allegations of abuse within the Church. If you don’t know what an auditor is, he’s the guy who reads your “e-meter” as you answer personal questions without knowing that the whole thing is being taped so as to blackmail you should you ever go public. (This […]

Happy Birthday Tom Cruise!
Are you still allowed to celebrate birthdays if you’re a Scientologist?? If so, Tom Cruise turns 47 today! If not, Tom Cruise would have turned 47 today! He’s getting pretty close to the big 5-0!! Happy birthday, Tommy!

Box Office Impossible 4 is a Go
J.J. Abrams and Tom Cruise are set to co-produce Mission Impossible 4 for a 2011 release in spite of the disappointing box office returns of Mission Impossible 3. The third installment, directed by Abrams, made 395 million worldwide in the summer of 2006, significantly less than Mission Impossible 1 at 452 million worldwide and Mission […]

Tom Cruise takes his son Connor to celebrate his 14th birthday!
Isn’t this special? Tom Cruise takes his son Connor to celebrate his 14th birthday at Wolfgang Pucks ‘Cut’ restaurant at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel in Beverly Hills. What a gay time! I can’t imagine what more a normal 14 year old kid might want to do on his 14th birthday!? I mean come on! Who […]

Spencer Pratt Gets Some Advice From Tom Cruise?
For those who saw The Hills: After Show last night, you saw them sit down with Tom Cruise and ask him about the elopement of Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag. It seemed as if Cruise had no idea about the wedding, or who these two even are, but he thinks that Spencer made a mistake […]