Will Smith and a gang of other celebs are back with one of those 5 friends get out the vote campaign ads, but it just wasn’t as funny as the first one. Mainly because Jonah Hill was absent from his ad. The ‘don’t vote‘ ad is pretend directed by Steven Spielberg and features the likenesses […]
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Video of the Protest Outside Katie Holmes’ Play.
StupidFamousPeople got some video of the anti-scientology protest outside of Katie Holmes’ Broadway debut last night in New York City. The grop; Anonymous, usually clad in masks from the movie V for Vendetta, chanted “Scientology Kills” while holding up signs of “Free Katie.” Check out the video behind the jump.

Katie Holmes’ First Broadway Performance: Tom is SOO Proud.
Katie Holmes had her first performance on Broadway last night in the production of All My Sons at Gerald Schoenfeld Theatre. Play-goers were said to be pleased with the former Dawson’s Creek stars performance, and Tom Cruise said he was so proud asking; “Did you see it?… It was extraordinary!” Tom had to say that, […]

Lindsay Lohan Stole Tom Cruise’s Sunglasses~
OMG! I can’t believe Lindsay Lohan is totally busted for swiping the under wear dancing, Risky Business Star’s Ray Bans! I sense a brawl a’ brewing! Lindsay! Give Tom Back his sunglasses!

Katie Holmes just likes to hide, is all…
Preggers, me?What in the world gave you that idea?Check out these pics from celebslam.com!!
You see, it’s all good!! Just press this button on her back, and “presto!”…
February 21, 2008: Essence Black Women in Hollywood Luncheon.Either Katie Holmes has been forbidden all internet/media access, or that little trip to the Geek Squad worked wonders for Tommy’s social life!! Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cruise seemed pretty boring cuddly yesterday at the Essence Black Women in Hollywood Luncheon, in spite of rumors of Tom […]
Scientologists are cool with cheating!
But if someone ends up getting jealous or depressed, they best be coping with breathing exercises, or else!Well, cuddle me silly, y’all!! Looks like Tiny Cruise here had himself one heck of a Valentine’s Day!! First, he got to spend one very “romantic” afternoon, playing dress-up with his wifie, Katie “Stepford” Holmes, and their baby […]

Craziness is kinda cute.
I am usually the first one to jump on a bandwagon especially when it comes to celebs bashing, but there is just something about Tom Cruise and his craziness that has me all ga ga. I know, I hate to admit it, it is probably some Scientology curse the top gun has put on me. […]