She retired from acting on Twitter a couple months ago, but as did Michael Jordan and Jay Z, Amanda Bynes is comin’ back wearing the 4-5. Amanda or ‘Chicky’ as you twitter locals know her, posted to her page: “i’ve unretired” She then proceeded to post a link to her new trailer for ‘Easy A,’ […]
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Amanda Bynes Legs Weren’t Fired From Latest Film
A rep for Amanda Bynes legs is dismissing reports that the actress was fired from her latest film, Hall Pass. Amanda was so excited when she booked the film, tweeting to her fans about joining the project, but most recently announced her retirement from acting on Twitter, claiming “I don’t love acting anymore, so I’ve […]

Amanda Bynes’ Legs Quit Acting
Everyone who follows Amanda Bynes on Twitter knows she’s a little bit strange. But just when you thought it couldn’t get much more strange, Amanda Bynes retired at age 24. No, she didn’t just land that “you’ll never have to work another day in your life” role in an award winning film, she just doesn’t […]

Amanda Bynes Legs to Star in Adult Film
Okay, so not REALLY an adult film, but one that will attract an older audience to the movie theater, which is new for the long time teen-movie actress. Amanda Bynes has been cast by the Farrelley Brothers to star in their new comedy, Hall Pass, which already has Owen Wilson, Jason Sudeikis, and Pam Beesly […]

Amanda Bynes Legs Like Chocolate and Vanilla
Not sure if Amanda Bynes was drunk tweeting or just in the mood to get super personal, but she recently posted the following to her Twitter account; (See photos inside) Apparently those tweets got a lot of negative/unwanted responses because she deleted them, and followed up with the following; 02/10/10 08:57 AM PST like i […]

Amanda Bynes for MAXIM…The Rest
If you thought that sneak peek at Amanda Bynes’ Maxim shoot we showed you was hot, wait til you see the rest! The other 5 photos from the spread along with the cover have been put online, and they all look amazing! This girl changes more than most, but she’s on the right path right […]

Amanda Bynes for MAXIM.
Mega hottie Amanda Bynes has been flashing the goods in every magazine out there as of late! Next month, she’ll turn up in MAXIM, for a cover story and spread that will not disappoint by the looks of the two photos released last night by Bynes herself. On her Twitter page, she posted the following. […]

Happy Birthday to Amanda Bynes’ Legs.
Amanda Bynes hot hot hot legs turn 23 years old today. Who would have ever thought the annoying girl from All That would grow up to look like this! Happy birthday, Amanda! Interesting fact, Amanda Bynes’ co-star from her former show, Jennie Garth, was also born on April 3rd. Jennie turns 37 today. Happy birthday […]

Amanda Bynes Back to Television.
If What I Like About You re-runs and Hairspray on DVD are the only way you’re getting your Amanda Bynes fix these days, have no fear because the hot grown up Amanda is coming back to the networks! ABC has just cast for a comedy pilot called ‘Canned,’ which will focus around a group of […]

Who is Responsible For This Hotness?
Who was showing off their sexy legs and short skirt while on a shopping trip to American Apparel in Bevelry Hills yesterday afternoon? I’ll give you a hint, she’s all that. Find out who after the jump!