The question is not wether or not Donald Trump was right or wrong for firing Khloe Kardashian from the Apprentice because he found out about her DUI arrest in 2007, but more so why does she really care so much about being kicked off of one of the crummiest reality shows for that matter. Khloe […]
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Kanye Tones it Down in New Blog.
What has gotten into Kanye West. He posted a new blog and forgot to do it in all CAPS. That right there is some Benjamin Buttons shit!!! Here’s what ‘Ye had to say about his relationship and all the crap you people are giving him for it; Hey I’m down here in Hawaii in the […]

Samantha Ronson Calls the Kettel Black.
Samantha Ronson had an awards show on her Myspace blog this morning, and she gave the idiot of the century award to Coolio, for his latest arrest at LAX for possession of crack cocaine. Yes, he is an idiot, maybe the idiot of the century, but some people shall not call names! Sam writes; Saturday, […]

Mischa Sets Her Own Record Straight.
Not sure that anybody asked, but Mischa Barton had to clear the air over here recent breakup with The Kooks’ singer Luke Pritchard. Mischa writes on her blog; “I’m sure you guys are all going to hear about it soon enough so I just wanted to tell you what is real first — I broke […]

Steve O Wants You to Re-design His Bad Tattoos!
Steve O is finally growing up, and like many people who get themselves covered in tattoos at a young age, is regretting some of his ink and wants to get it covered up. The soon to be Dancing With the Stars contestant writes on his blog: “I’ve decided that it is time to alter some […]

Russell Simmons Happy to Pay Big Child Support Check.
Russell Simmons has updated his blog over at globalgrind regarding the reports that surfaced yesterday claiming that a judge ordered him to pay ex wife Kimora Lee Simmons $40,000 a month in child support. The numbers are true, but Simmons explains how it wasn’t an order and he’s happy to pay. He says, “I am […]

Kim Kardashian is Too Nice!
Kim Kardashian has posted a blog apologizing for a post last week which featured some pics of her family playing with their latest addition, Suzy, a Chimpanzee. Kim reveals that in the third season of Keeping Up, her mom is pressuring for the older girls to have kids, so they rented a monkey for a […]

Tila Tequila Blasts Octo-Mom.
I don’t write much about the Octo-mom, because I think it’s sick and she should have all 14 of her kids taken away rather than cashing in on freebies, but Tila Tequila just updated her blog with a rant about the Octo-puss and I couldn’t agree more with her!! Here’s wha Tila had to say, […]

Sam Ronson Trades Favors for Haircuts!
I’m really glad Samantha Ronson posted a blog clearing up the rumor that Lindsay Lohan has been indulging in $900.00 haircuts, as well as picking up the tab on girlfriend Samantha Ronson’s $500.00 haircuts as well. When I firt read that the Ronson cut cost half of a thousand I thought maybe I was in […]

Katy Perry Just Friends With Benji Madden.
Katy Perry was victim of a new rumor that she was getting cozy with Benji Madden at a valentines day party this past weekend, but she’s took to her blog to address those rumors, and tell y’all to get out of town. oh kittens! It’s two pseudo famous people sitting next to each other… doesn’t […]