We told you recently that Kelly and Sharon Osbourne were going to be starting their own reality series where they would travel the country and help heal mother/ daughter relationships, but you might be seeing a bit more of Kelly O on television this year! Kelly will be joining Dr. Phil for a number of […]
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Dr. Phil is a Grandfather
Happy news comes from the McGraw family this weekend. Dr. Phil is a grandpa. Announcing the news on his Twitter.com page, in the tone of a seventeen year old girl, McGraw writes; “SHE’S HERE! OMG! AVERY ELIZABETH MCGRAW…” Now it’s not so strange that Dr. Phil knows what OMG means, but it’s the fact that […]

Dr. Oz: “O-Revoir Oprah!”
Dr. Mehmet Oz is moving away from the cozy bosom of Oprah Winfrey and branching out on his own. “The Dr. Oz Show” debuts September 14 and stars Dr. Mehmet Oz. No Oprah on the side. Reports are coming in that Dr Oz – who wants the show to focus on healthcare in an entertaining […]

Happy Birthday Dr. Phil
Old fart Dr. Phil McGraw turns 59 today! Do people really still watch this show? He’s got a contract through 2013, which means you won’t be rid of the Phil any time soon, but I just find it hard to believe that people can sit through this snooze fest. Gimme Jerry Springer for daytime TV.

Dr. Feel? National Enquirer Reports: Dr. Phil Is A Sexual Predator
We’ve always found Dr. Phil slightly creepy. Maybe it’s the hick Texan accent. The sucking up to Oprah. And most of all: the positioning of himself as a weight loss guru – when he looks like he just scarfed down a dozen donuts. And now, our hunch is confirmed. Dr. Phil is a heavy-pettin’, panty-crawlin, […]

Starzlife EXCLUSIVE!! Dr. Full.
Dr. Phil was out playing tennis in Bel Air yesterday and is looking like he could use the exercise!