It’s almost unexplainable how this could even happen, but Eva Longoria Parker is a bit embarrassed, after she accidentally led her Twitter followers to an X-rated site while trying to direct them to husband Tony Parker’s page. She explains in an interview; “The porn site blew up… It sells lubrication and dildos. That was, like, […]
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Eva Longoria Parker’s New Do
Starzlife spotted Eva Longoria-Parker leaving a recent trip to Ken Paves salon in Beverly Hills lookin’ fine showing off her new do. Unfortunately for Eva Longoria Parker, when you associate her with Ken Paves, you associate them both with Jessica Simpson, and their little circle will be forever tainted by the music video for Jessica […]

Eva Longoria to become a superhero?
Eva Longoria-Parker a superhero? That may just be the case, as the “Desperate Housewives” actress spent quite some time at the Beverly Hills office building which happens to be the home to Marvel Comics yesterday. When she left the meeting Eva was carrying old back issues of Marvel’s series “The Avengers” – which is being […]

Cheech and Long
Longoria that is…Eva Longoria Parker had a very busy day out and about in LA this past Monday, and I think I have the answer why!

Posh Spice is taking LA by storm…
And freaking out little ones along the way! Victoria Beckham: Fashion Shopping Queen! Now we know why she’s been acting so robotic lately! It’s not because of Tom Cruise’s brainwashing influence, Victoria Beckham has been practicing for Marc Jacobs! Please tell me these Mac Jacobs ads featuring Victoria Beckham are for the new episode of […]
Hey people, don’t forget me!
Now that Desperate Housewives is starting again, Mrs. Eva Longoria-Parker is not wanting to hide behind those ‘squito-fly glasses anymore!
Another good reason to watch the new Desperate Housewives episodes…
This sexy little Latina makes you laugh till you cry!And trust me, it has nothing to do with my own Latin blood. Don’t be fooled by cheap movie trailers, Eva Longoria can act – for TV, at least!! Either that, or Gabrielle Solis is a carbon copy of the real Eva Longoria, in which case, […]