A very Christina Aguliera wannabe lookin’ Heidi Montag and her sex offender clear beard havin’ boyfriend Spencer Pratt were up to their usual antics today at a restaurant in Hollywood.
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Fake Job!
The only reality of The Hills, is that the cast is made up of a bunch of non actors and actresses. Turns out, LC’s internship, as speculated by many, is a fake.

Vincent Chase turns 32!
Adrian Grenier turned 32 this past weekend and he celebrated by filming scenes for the upcoming season of Entourage.

Dead chickens are payin’ Pamela Anderson’s bills!
Pamela Anderson is a very devout animal rights activist, She is alaways preachin’ PETA, and it’s even got her in a little feud with Jessica Simpson. So why’s Colonel Sanders signing her paycheck?

Lindsay’s hard labor.
Whether your like it or not, Lindsay Lohan has actually been hard at work these days!

Keeping up.
It’s the off season for Keeping Up with the Kardashians, but I got ya covered. Click here to find out whats been goin on at Bruce Jenners house.

Brooke knows how to keep out of the drama and make some money!
Perhaps one of the Hogans does have a bit of smarts. If you would have told me it was Brooke, I would have said you were crazy. Brooke is staying out of all the crazy Hogan drama by premiering her own reality show, Brooke Knows Best.

Osbournes returning to TV.
The first family of reality TV is coming back, only this time its to produce a variety show for the FOX network.

Exclusive first look at Pam’s new show!
Starzlife.com is bringing you an Exclusive first look at Pamela Anderson’s new reality show!! Follow me for photos and details!