Kim Kardashian Talks Kanye Romance On ‘Today’

Kim Kardashian’s romance with Kanye West is heating up in the media, and finally the really star is speaking out about it. Kardashian told Ann Curry during an appearance on ‘Today,’ she’s in a “positive” place.  Like spring, she’s ready for a new beginning. Kanye just released a new single called “Theraflu” in which he […]

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Facebook Buys Instagram For $1 Billion Dollars!

Facebook announced a billion dollar move on Monday when it was revealed that the social network had purchased social photo app Instagram for $1 billion dollars. Instagram is one of the most popular mobile apps and has more than 30 million registered users. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has revealed he will keep Instagram separate from […]

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Lamar Odom Let Go From Dallas Mavericks

Lamar Odom is definitely living like a Kardashian now! The NBA star has been demoted by the Dallas Mavericks, due to his un-ability to get his groove back this season. Odom was traded to the Mavericks by the Lakers prior to the current NBA season, but never really got his game back, and after returning […]

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Britney Spears’ Fiance Jason Trawick Petitions For Conservatorship

Britney Spears’  father Jamie was placed in charge of her legal and business affairs in 2008 after a very public melt down left her unable to take care of herself. Four years later, Britney is getting praises from the judge in the case for turning her life around, and even though her father has continued […]

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Lindsay Lohan Accused of Battery In Nightclub Altercation

Lindsay Lohan, (the name at least) is being dragged over to the wrong side of the law again. An unidentified woman has filed a police report over the  holiday weekend, claiming that Lindsay Lohan attacked her on Thursday night at LA hotspot The Standard. Sgt. Ed Hummel of the West Hollywood Sheriff’s Department reported to the […]

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Hunger Games Holds On To Weekend Box Office

The Hunger Games outlasted the competition in the weekend box office battle, beating out  newcomer ‘American Reunion,’ and the re-release of ‘Titanic’ in 3D. Last weekend’s big winner took in $33 million during it’s third weekend at the box office, beating out the return of your favorite high school misfits from East Great Falls, with […]

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Amanda Bynes: The DUI Mugshot

It’s not been such a good Friday for Amanda Bynes. The actress was arrested for DUI on Thursday night in Los Angeles, after swiping a police car while trying to manuver around it. Bynes was taken to jail around 3AM and released on $5,000 bail on Friday morning. Not a great end to a birthday […]

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PETA Fires Back At Kanye West Lyrics

Aside from professing his love for Kim Kardashian and dogging Kris Humphries in his new song ‘Theraflu,’ Kanye west took aim at PETA with taunts of wearing fur. Now a spokes person for People For The Ethical Treatment of Animals are firing back at the rapper and urging him to see the light. In West’s […]

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Ian Somerhalder Building Animal Sanctuary To Help Troubled Children

Vampire Diaries star Ian Somerhalder is building an animal sanctuary with hopes of helping kids who have behavioral issues. The actor is a long time animal activist, and has lead charges in his native Canada against the killing of baby seals in the past. Through his own non-profit eco organization, the Ian Somerhalder Foundation (ISF), […]

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Nicollette Sheridan Demands A Re-Trial

Unhappy over the results of her suit against ABC and Desperate Housewives creator Marc Cherry, Nicollette Sheridan has demanded a re-trial. The jury was dead-locked at a vote of 8-4 in the trial, with 9 votes being needed in Nicollette’s favor in order to award punitive damages. ABC is asking the court award them a […]

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