Jack Black: Defending The Muppets Against Courtney Love

Jack Black is firing back at some comments made by Courtney Love in which she claimed that the use of Nirvana’s ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit’ in The Muppets film was “raping” her late husband’s work. The scene in the film features Black as well, who is adamant that no offense was intended and that he […]

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EXCLUSIVE!!! Injured Halle Berry And Her Daughter Spend The Day Together

Check out these EXCLUSIVE photos of Halle Berry running errands in Los Angeles with her adorable daughter, Nahla. Berry has been back in court over the custody and child support for Nahla with the child’s father, Gabriel Aubry, with her asking permission to move to France, and him asking for more money from the actress. […]

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Russell Brand Facing Felony Charges Over iPhone Incident

Russell Brand was released from the police station in New Orleans on Thursday after turning himself in over a warrant for damages caused when he threw a photographer’s phone through a window on Monday, but the troubles aren’t over just yet. In Louisiana, property damages that total more than $500 lead to a felony arrest. […]

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First Look At Johnny Depp in ‘Dark Shadows’

Your first look at Johnny Depp in ‘Dark Shadows’ has arrived.    Depp, along with his director and collaborator Tim Burton have brought his favorite TV show from the 60’s to life in the new film, which hits theaters May 11. Depp plays 18th century vampire Barnabas Collins living in 1972 after spending 200 years in […]

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Jessica Alba Ignores Celebrity Gossip

Celebs like Jessica Alba don’t have enough time to respond to all of the rumors written about them on the internet whether true or not.  That’s why the actress just doesn’t pay any attention to them. Alba believes that responding to such rumors just empowers the media outlets more, and finds the best way to […]

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George Clooney Arrested

George Clooney has been arrested in Washington D.C. The actor gave a speech on the steps of the Sudanese Embassy building on Friday morning,  and was seized after he ignored three warnings from cops to leave the area. Clooney recently returned from a secret trip to the newly-independent South Sudan last week in order to […]

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Justin Bieber’s New Single Cover: You Choose

Justin Bieber has two options for the cover of his new single, ‘Boyfriend,’ and he’s letting the fans choose. Bieber posted the link to his official site on Friday morning with the options to tweet #JBBoyfriend1 , or #JBBoyfriend2 to choose which cover should be the official look of his upcoming single. Check out the […]

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Broadcast Networks Warming To The Idea Of Internet Television? Fox Partners With FilmOn

  Have the big broadcasting networks started to realize that the future of television lies within Internet broadcasting? For years now, broadcast networks and corporations have been trying to take down live streaming Internet channels, but the first of the big four are now getting into bed with the enemy. FilmOn.TV Networks has taken a […]

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Russell Brand Surrenders Self To Police After Phone Smashing Incident

Russell Brand got into a bit of trouble on Monday when he took a cell phone from the hands of a man snapping a photo of him and tossed it threw a New Orleans window. The photographer filed a police report and a warrant was issued for Brand’s arrest. After offering to pay for the […]

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Drake’s Womanizing Days Are over

Not usually the way of the young rapper, or the rapper at all for that matter, but Drake is ready to settle it down a bit. The former actor turned rapper shot to fame a few years back, and quickly realized it was to get the ladies with a couple hit singles on the charts. […]

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