For some reason, (cough:ratings:cough) American Idol decided to bring Tatiana Del Toro back for the wild card round. So she doesn’t have the worst voice in the world, but what a drama queen!! But WHERE THE F DID THAT ACCENT COME FROM ON THURSDAY NIGHT!?!!?!? Watching the show, I was thinking, she’s never talked with […]
Tag Archives | American Idol News

American Idol; 13 in the Top 12?
American Idol closed out last nights top 36 round the same way they closed out the audition round, by making two dudes sweat it out only to invite them both back for then next round. Now there are an unlucky 13 in the top 12. Why unlucky you ask? Because now the show has to […]

Quote of the Day.
“As for Scott, he could have sang The Most Offensive Song from South Park and he would still get through. By the way, Paula Abdul has no idea he’s blind, right?” -Michael K of DListed not afraid to say exactly what everybody else who watches American Idol is thinking.

Thoughts on Group 1 of American Idol?
American Idol’s first live show was last night, and it was 12 of the 36 finalists performing I would assume whatever song they wanted with no professional help based on the decisions. It’s probably safe to say that not one of the 12 from last night is the next American Idol as far as star […]

Top Idols Duet in Orlando.
Two of American Idol’s top winners from the past came together for a duet this Thursday night in Orlando at the opening of The American Idol Experience at Disneyworld. David Cook and Carrie Underwood sang an acoustic country/rock version of ‘You Can Go Your Own Way.’ These two have a good sound together. What the […]

Huge American Idol Spoiler!!!
The supposed top 36 for this season of American Idol has been leaked onto the internet this week, and while there’s no proof that it’s the official 36, it apparently comes from good sources, and even they claim to not be 100% sure, but to be about 99% sure. The top 36 will be those […]

Ryan Seacrest is used to high fiving every contestant who comes out of the judges room with a golden ticket on American Idol, but apparently he’s not used to many of them being blind! American Idol returned last night and featured an audition by a guy named Scott Macintyre. Scott is Idol’s first blind contestant, […]

Big Changes For American Idol.
Okay, maybe not THAT big of changes, but when America’s favorite television show returns his January, there will be some minor changes that you may or may not notice, and may or may not like. Here’s a rundown from an internal FOX memo: * American Idol will be sticking to its Tuesday/Wednesday schedule. * There […]

David Cook CD Release Date.
American Idol season 7 winner David Cook has finally set a release date for his debut album. The Cookies will be able to pick up the first album of their Idol just in time for the holidays, November 18th. Cook has been touring with the AI top 10 all summer long so it’s wild that […]

Idol is Doing What for Season 8???
American Idol is doing the unthinkable for it’s upcoming season… Adding a 4th Judge to the “sounds just right when you say it” combination of Simon, Paula, and Randy. In an attempt to even up the genders, Idol will be adding record producer Kara DioGuardi.