Britney Spears officially launched her own iPhone app this morning, which features a technology where you upload your face to be one of Britney’s backup dancers. The app will also feature the latest Britney news, a “sparkler” screen that you can hold in the air at Britney concerts, and a feature where it will sing […]
Tag Archives | Britney Spears
Internet Pranksters Attack Britney
Britney Spears had an unpleasant surprise when she woke up this morning. She had involuntarily joined the dark side. Britney’s Twitter was the victim of a hack job this morning, and the hacker posted a few satanic tweets before someone noticed and changed the password. To further prove Britney has an army of fans who […]
Watch the Premiere of Britney’s Video for ‘3’
Britney Spears gave us all a Halloween treat this morning and premiered the video for ‘3’ How hot is she?! Check it out.
Britney’s Quick Doctors Visit
We spotted Britney Spears arriving real quick last minute to a doctors appointment in Beverly Hills. What’s wrong Britt? Besides that nappy weave. Britney will be premiering her new video for “3” in a couple of days. The sneak peak is sexy!!!
Brit Settles With Paparazzo’s Foot
The case of Britney Spears and the ran over paparazzo’s foot has finally been settled according to the courts. The incident happened in 2007, when Britney was mid breakdown, and THE paparazzi magnet. A group of photographers were a little too close to her car as she was trying to drive away and one of […]
Britney is Number 1 on the Hot 100!
Britney Spears is back on top again. The comeback is over… she’s just BACK! Britney’s new single ‘3’ is now number 1 on the Billboard hot 100! Britney is the first artist in over three years to achieve this feat! It’s also her third time achieving it. Congrats, Brit!!
First Look at Britney’s Singles Collection!
From Mrs. Spears herself via Twitter, here’s your first look at Britney’s singles collection CD. This is the standard version. (aka the cheap version) Not bad… but not good?
STARZLIFE PICS: It’s Britney, Y’all
Your girl Britney Spears went on a lil’ stroll through the rich white Valley town of Calabasas recently, proudly rocking the eskiho look. Starzlife was there.
New Britney!
Check out Britney Spears new single, 3 , which will be released as part of her singles collection. The Singles Collection will feature all 29 Britney singles from years past. Do you love it or do you love it?
Britney Custody News
Despite the improvements: a new weave, a bangin’ body, and a sell-out tour, TMZ is reporting that Southern belle Britney Spears still can’t get her kids back. The 50/50 custody rule, first ordered when Spears went on her “Circus” tour, was extended yesterday by The L.A. Superior Court, meaning Brit now must support K Fed, […]