
Tag Archives | Casey Anthony

Casey Anthony Planning To Leave The Country

Casey Anthony is the newest cover girl on People Magazine, and there are some (not so) shocking relations about her life after the trial. The headline reads “Her Life In Hiding:  Despised and Living Alone,”  and the article also talks about how she’s been pretty much estranged from her parents, and fearing for her life. […]

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Casey Anthony Owes Florida $100,000 Dollars

Casey Anthony might be forced to consider thinking about selling out for interview time, because she owes the state of Florida big. Anthony was acquitted of the murder of her daughter, Caylee, however she’s racked up a $100,000 bill with the state of Florida law enforcement for sending case investigators on what prosecutors described as […]

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Casey Anthony To Serve Only Six Days!

Casey Anthony was sentenced to four years behind bars Thursday morning, but will have that reduced to a measly SIX DAYS! According to HLN, who posted the following message on their Twitter account just moments ago, Anthony will be released on July 13. “Breaking News: Release date for #CaseyAnthony scheduled for July 13. Six days […]

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Casey Anthony Sentence: Four Years

Casey Anthony was sentenced to four years in prison Thursday morning on account of providing false information to law enforcement. Antony was sentenced to serve one year on all four guilty counts, but the judge will now decide if she will be released early due to time served and good behavior. Many believe that Anthony […]

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People Magazine: Casey Anthony Getting Away With Murder?

While the cover of the new People Magazine was likely put into production before not guilty verdict was reached, the headline speaks volumes! On Tuesday, Anthony received a not guilty verdict when it came to the murder of her two year old daughter, Caylee Anthony, though she was found guilty of providing false information to […]

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Casey Anthony has been found NOT GUILTY. After more than ten hours of deliberation the jury reached a verdict of not guilty. Anthony was found guilty on four counts of providing false information to a law enforcement official. Sentencing will be Thursday morning at 9am.

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Casey Anthony Verdict Reached

The verdict in the Casey Anthony trial is in! The jury deliberated just over ten hours before handing down the verdict. The announcement will be made at 2:15 PM ET Tune in to HLN or TruTV for the verdict, or stick with Starzlife and we will keep you posted on the go.

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