
Tag Archives | charlize theron

First Look At Kristen Stewart As Snow White

The first look at Kristen Stewart as Snow White from the upcoming film ‘Snow White And The Huntsmsn’ was debuted at Comic Con in San Diego this past weekend. One of two Snow White films that will hit theaters next year, ‘Huntsmsn’ will be a different take on the classic tale you have come to […]

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Lebron James Boasts ‘3 Kings’ Pic on Twitter

Just like you, Lebron James likes to share his photos from concerts with his friends. Unlike you, Lebron James’ friends include P. Diddy, Jay-Z, Nicky Minaj and Charlize Theron.   Also unlike you, Lebron James has almost one million friends to share with. Lebron uploaded these pics from the Jay-Z / Eminem concert in New York […]

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Peek-a-Boo Charlize Theron

Nice to see you too, Charlize Theron! We spotted Charlize leaving a gym in Hollywood this week playing hard to get. Maybe she was having a Sophie Monk moment!

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Charlize Theron: “I Won’t Marry Until The Gays Can!”

Charlize Theron made an appearance on The View today promoting her new movie, ‘The Burning Plain.’ When the topic turned to marriage and her long relationship with fellow actor Stewart Townsend, things got political. Thankfully, Elizabeth Hasselbeck was at home nursing her latest child so she couldn’t stare Charlize down with her Republican Pro Prop […]

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Rihanna: Best Dressed in 2008.

Rihanna was voted by People Magazine as one of their 10 best dressed in 2008. The mag voted the Disturbia singer onto their list for her “sugar and spice” style and her “sophisticated mix of glamorous gowns and funky dresses. Also making the list were Kate Hudson, Eva Mendez, Fergie, Charlize Theron, and someone I’ve […]

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