A 5.8 earthquake rattled the east coast on Tuesday afternoon, and the celebs felt it! The ever dramatic Snooki wrote on her Twitter page: “Omg earthquakeeeee. 2012 is near, I knew it! I hope everyones okay!!!” Other celebs wrote: Adam Levine: “Ok. Even GOD is pissed off at Washington now. I’d rather laugh than panic. […]
Tag Archives | Earthquake

Pau Gasol to Donate $1,000 For Every Point Scored Tonight to Japan Relief
LA Laker fans get ready to see huge numbers in the assist column tonight from Pau Gasol. Gasol has announced that for every point he scores in tonight’s game against the LA Clippers, he will donate $1,000 to Japan relief efforts. Okay, we were totally kidding about the assist joke, what Gasol is doing is […]

Jimmy Kimmel Tweets After Evacuation Scare on Small Polynesian Island
Late night host Jimmy Kimmel didn’t plan on a vacation like this! While vacationing on an island on French Polynesia, Kimmel felt the effects of the 8.9 magnitude earthquake and tsunami that stuck Japan on Friday first hand. His first tweet went like this: Suddenly, relaxing on an island in the South Pacific isn’t so […]

Japan Still Feeling Wrath of Massive Quake/Tsunami
A massive 8.9 magnitude earthquake that triggered a tsunami on Japan’s northern shore is still causing havoc in the Eastern nation. Many of you were probably locked into news coverage of the quake last night, and social media sites such as Twitter were updating frequently with news and support. As the aftermath reigns on today, […]