
Tag Archives | Jamie Foxx

Jamie Foxx Was Joking When He Called Barack Obama “Our Lord And Savior”

Actor Jamie Foxx was criticized big time on the Internet for referring to President Barack Obama as “Our Lord and Savior” during a recent awards show, but the actor insists it was only a joke in the name of comedy! Foxx told the audience at the Soul Train Awards in Las Vegas, “It’s like church […]

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Jamie Foxx Hits Sunset Plaza

Academy award winner Jamie Foxx took advantage of the 75 degree LA day this afternoon by meeting up with some buddies for lunch in West Hollywood. The scarf may have been a little unnecessary for the weather conditions, but this is LA, some times logic is thrown out the window when it comes to an […]

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EXCLUSIVE!!! Jamie Foxx Is Pumpin’

Bl-aa-aaame it on the empty tank! Ray star Jamie Foxx took to the streets yesterday to fill up on gas and junk food. The 41 year-old Texan born singer/actor/entrepreneur ignored cameras at a stop to a local L.A. gas station – where celebs apparently – gasp! shock! horror! – pump their own gas! Click here […]

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Jamie Puts The XX In FOXX; Posts Nude Dude Photo

Fans of the gay iphone fetish site guyswithiphones.com (and who isn’t?) got a big surprise t’other day. And we mean big. Allegedly, a full-frontal shot of Oscar-winner Jamie Foxx began circulating through the techie soft-core pornie site. There’s just one problem: The guy in question isn’t taking the picture with an iphone but some other […]

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Jamie Foxx Say What???

This morning on the radio I heard Jamie Foxx declare his latest number one hit “Blame it on the alcohol” the “National anthem of 2009.” Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! Its not a bad song or anything, clearly by the fact it’s achieved the number one spot… But the national anthem of 2009? Puh-lease.

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Blame it On the A-a-a-alcohol.

That’s what William Pressler will be saying for the rest of his life while he thinks about the reason he isn’t allowed to be a neuroscientist. Pressler was hired by Jamie Foxx to bar tend a bash at Social in Hollywood in 2007 which featured a bar made completely of ice. As the night raged […]

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Jamie Foxx Apologizes for Dirty Miley Rant.

On Jamie Foxx’s Sirius satellite show, The Foxxhole this past weekend, he went on a little rant about Miley Cyrus, and he said some pretty shitty things! Jamie had to come back on the Tonight Show last night to apologize to the Cyrus family for what he called jokes, due to the fact he is […]

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Only A Few Days Left to Register.

The deadline to register to vote could be as little as 3 days away, and a bunch of Hollywood Dems have released a new PSA urging you to vote. It’s actually pretty funny, at least when Jonah Hill is talking.   Okay only when Jonah Hill is talking. But it’s worth it to watch just for […]

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