Kate Gosselin’s difference of opinions from her ex-husband Jon are probably what lead to their divorce, and the good news is, they are still present. In the new issue of People Magazine, Kate reveals that she is “freaking out” over the cancellation of ‘Kate Plus 8.’ She tells the mag’s latest issue, “I’m freaking out. […]
Tag Archives | jon gosselin

Kate Gosselin Ordered To Pay $10,000 To Marriage Counselor
At least she has the money! Kate Gosselin has been ordered to pay a marriage counselor the sum of $10,000.00 According to a Pennsylvania paper, the judge has ordered Gosselin to pay the fee for a trip that therapist Sylvia Lafair traveled to Los Angeles with Jon and Kate Gosselin back in March of 2009 […]

Jon Gosselin Says He’s Done With Interviews
Talk about falling off the face of the earth. Jon Gosselin went through a divorce, being fired by TLC, and making his money off of TV and media interviews to wanting to enjoy a normal life. Nobody has talked about him, or to him for that matter for some time now, but he’s saying by […]
Jon Gosselin Quits His 9 to 5
In a quick turn of events, Jon Gosselin has quit his day job. Even though he was trying to make an example by getting the job saying he wanted to be normal and away from the fame, it only took Jon a couple of weeks to throw in the towel. A source close to Jon […]
Jon Gosselin’s Efforts to Keep Kids Out of Australia Come Up Short
Kate Gosselin and her 8 kids spent the New Year in Australia filming scenes for a Kate Plus 8 special to air on TLC, but it wasn’t without a last ditch effort from Jon Gosselin to stop their trip. Jon and Kate met with a judge just before they were scheduled to leave on their […]
Back to Work: Jon Gosselin Gets a Real Job
Because there’s no more money in visiting restaurants, no more reality tv deals, and no more interview opps coming Jon Gosselin’s way, the father of eight was forced to get a regular job! A source is reporting that Jon has gotten back into the tech business, a job that he had before the show premiered […]

Former Jon Gosselin Flame Responds to Rant
Because the only way Jon Gosselin remains relevant is by putting out statements to the media through social networking, it only makes sense for a girl that is only recognized as his former girlfriend during his downward spiral would do the same. After Jon’s two overly-long tweets regarding his kids on television, his ex, Hailey […]
Jon Gosselin Tweeting About His Kids Again
Jon Gosselin is still making statements about his kids via Twitter, and still using way more than 140 characters! In fact, he’s had to move to the service called ‘Twitlonger.’ Jon writes…and writes…and writes: Due to the overwhelming amount of questions, statements, false statements in the media, I would like to clarify a few things. […]
Jon Gosselin’s State of the Union on Twitter
Jon Gosselin must not get that Twitter is 140 characters or less for a reason. Somehow he made this public address possible today on the social network: “As you may or may not be aware, I have been working for some time to remove my children from television. I do not believe being on TV […]

Kate Plus 8 Canceled Quietly Overnight
Without making a fuss, or any mention actually, TLC has quietly pulled the plug on Kate Plus 8 according to reports. Rumor has it, that it was Jon Gosselin who would not sign the release to let his kids be on TV any longer, leading them to just end the show. Bitter old Jon, who […]