As if we are not on Bieber and award show overload as it is, now Bieber is giving acceptance speeches via satellite for just being nominated for things. The Grammy’s themselves are dull enough, so imagine an entire broadcast star studded spectacular for just their nominations. Talk about a show about nothing! The Grammy Nominations Live […]
Tag Archives | Justin Bieber News

What is Going on With Bieber and Beauty Products!?
First Bieber announces he’s releasing a line of nail polish then it’s a fragrance and now the cover of the Brazillian teen magazine Todateen Star has Justin Bieber sporting more than his usual hair-on-backward look, it looks as though he’s wearing quite a bit of make-up. It’s hard to say if this is just extreme […]

Justin Bieber bullied at laser tag, called gay slur.
Turns out that Justin Bieber may have been the victim of envy by a hatred filled bully in the laser tag fiasco. According to who are rarely wrong when reporting the news Bieber was called a “faggot” by the other kid. A source tells TMZ the kid cornered Bieber hand wouldn’t stop shooting and when […]

Justin Bieber accused of punching 12-year-old while playing laser tag!
America’s tween sweetheart Justin Beiber, is under investigation for assaulting a boy at Planet Lazer Entertianment center in Richmond, B.C. According to Canadian reports, the boy complained that Beiber had punched him in the face and the boys father filed a reported of the incident to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Shocking to say the […]

Justin Bieber Wants to Do Your Nails
There is nothing more 2010 than Justin Bieber or ridiculously flamboyant nail polish. Instead of having to decide which to put in the 2010 time capsule, why not just have Bieber make some sparkly nail goop? Well it has happened, thank God, and to make it even more fitting for the capsule ,the polish line called […]