Is the Reverend Fred Phelps a Saturday Night Live character? You probably first became aware of the Westboro Baptist Church when they gained national notoriety for protesting the funeral of Matthew Shepard. That was, at the time, sickening, but their antics since then have gone so far over the top they can’t even be taken […]
Tag Archives | Lady Gaga
In Case You Missed It: Gaga On Wawa
Lady Gaga outperformed everyone in 2009 – and Barbara Walters wants to find out what kind of twee she would be (if she could be any twee). The “outrageous” diva aapeared on Barbara Walters 10 Most Fascinating People of 2010 – or whatever it’s called. Barbara asked Gaga what was the biggest misconception in Gaga […]

Lady GaGa is That You?
Lady GaGa graces the cover of the latest Elle Magazine and it’s almost as if you can’t recognize her!! She looks great, but this is definitely the least “Gagaesque” (we seem to be using that word a lot today) she’s ever looked before. This almost has some sort of Gwen Stefani vibe to it. Love […]
Lady Does Leno
When is this woman going to run out of original ideas!? It’s like every night she’s performing, every night is different, and every night is amazing! Sunday was her wild AMA performance, and Monday she toned it down just a tad but still amazed with her latest single, Bad Romance, on Jay Leno. Lady GaGa’s […]
Lady Gaga Shows America Her Bad Romance
And by ‘Bad Romance,’ we don’t mean her ladyboy bits. Lady Gaga continued her “I’ll Open A Supermarket If They’ll Let Me” award tour last night at the American Music Awards. The Greek singer performed her latest hit, ‘Bad Romance’ and did everything but paint the ceiling. We gotta give it to her – the […]

Bad Romance, Good Video
The full video for Lady GaGa’s Bad Romance has finally arrived. This will be her next single off of her upcoming re-release and it’s awesome! The video is even better! So many great outfit changes! Check it out below.
Gaga Dishes On Madonna
A new, funnier rehearsal video of Lady Gaga and Madonna‘s SNL appearance did the rounds this weekend. (See left) And Gaga, who beats up Madonna in the parody, is declaring her “friendship” with the Material Girl. Says Gaga: “Madonna is great. And I guess I could say we are friends.” “I love her daughter Lourdes. […]

Monster Ball Dates Announced
The dates for Lady Gaga’s Monster Ball tour have been announced! She’ll be hitting the road with Kid Cudi, so maybe you can expect a little minus Kanye collaboration of “I Poke Her Face” Check out when Gaga is coming to your neck of the woods below; November 27 – Montreal, Quebec, Canada – The […]

Adam Lambert to Debut Single at AMA Awards
It’ll be his first televised non Idol performance, and it will be the debut of his new single when Adam Lambert performs at the American Music Awards on November 3rd. There were rumors he’d be replacing Kanye West on Lady Gaga’s upcoming tour, but he shot them down on Ryan Seacrest’s radio show this morning, […]
Lady Gaga Wears Pants And Speaks In Washington!
Lady GaGa joined a whole gaggle of Gay & Gay lovin’ celebs today at the National Equality March in Washington. Considering Gaga was not born with a penis, and does not have one, we give her kudos for dressing like a tranny, and doing her speak. Aside from her hideous Tranny Housewives of Atlanta get-up, […]